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wrvs4400n firmware upgrade with VPN

Level 1
Level 1


I have three locations using the linksys wrvs4400n router with IPSec VPNS. They all work fine and point back to a Server2003. I just added a fourth location with the same router but this new router has firmware v2.x, where the others have firmware v1.x. When I connected the new router into the VPN network, it caused the other tunnels to go down. When I take the new router with firmware v2.x offline, everything else seems to work fine.


Can the v2.x firmware cause the other VPNS on v1.x firmware to go down and not work properly? Do I need to upgrade the firmware so all 4 linksys wrvs4400n routers are operating the same version number so not to cause the tunnels to disconnect?

Thank you.

3 Replies 3

Clayton Sill
Level 1
Level 1

Hello Jonathan,

     That is a little strange, firmware shouldn't be causing all the tunnels to just drop just by adding the one device. Also if you are running firmware's v1.x then it sounds like you have the hardware version 1 models and added a hardware version 2, so there wouldn't be a way to upgrade to a v2.x firmware because of different hardware versions.

One of my concerns would be how much bandwidth do you have at each site, specially the upload speeds. You may want to bring a 3rd site down for example and then hook up the new WRVS4400n and see what the results are (having just 3 sites trying to connect instead of 4) if possible. Also as long as all 4 sites has a different lan ip address as well you shouldn't be experiencing this issue.

Hope that helps out,


Clayton Sill


Thank you for your prompted answer.  The main location (called Franklin) has a firmware x1 version as do the other 2 locations.  These locations have been up and running for several years with no issues at all.  The problem only started when we added the 4th fourth location with the firmware x2 version.  When the new location profile was enabled, the main location's VPN tunnels from the other existing locations went into Tunnel DOWN status and only the new location status was Tunnel UP.  When I disabled the new location and brought their tunnel status down, the other locations went back online and remained Tunnel UP.

All profiles, protocols and keys are the same.  The only difference was the firmware.  They have both Cable and DSL at each location if one ISP provider fails as a redundant system.

Been scratching my head on this one for over a week.  That is why I was thinking firmware.  Bandwidth at the main location is a 5MB UP stream and a 100MB DOWN stream.

Any help or other suggests is greatly appreciated.


Hello Jon,

     You have enough upstream and bandwith then. I would enable logging then if it isn't enabled already to see if we can find a error message that would help us figure this out.

Other than that this is very strange. I would still try just taking one site down and powering on the new location to see if all 3 sites will stay on or if it will drop everyone again.

I can't really think of anything else that could be causing this issue. Lets wait on the logs though and go from there.

Clayton Sill