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Gerald Burgess
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Everyone,


This is an evolution of my CPAM image extract tool that I uploaded back in February. 


I was working with someone who was trying to update a number of users at once and they wanted to use the csv import tool to do it.  The problem was there was no export tool that would produce something that could then be imported after the changes were made.


To fill that need I created this.

Running the tool


There are a couple things you’ll need to do before it will work.


Get the MySQL password


To  run the tool you’ll need to be able to get the MySQL password for the  CPAM server. When you run the tool the first thing it does is prompt for the password and address of the CPAM server.


To get the MySQL password you’ll need to be logged in as root. Log in as ‘cpamadmin’ and use the following commands:

# sudo su -
# grep local.pass /opt/cisco/cpam/properties/

The output will look like this:


[root@CPAM2 server]# grep local.pass /opt/cisco/cpam/properties/

[root@CPAM2 server]#


In this case we would want the password to be assigned this value: qdaQY1TMr7

Get the tool  copied onto a Webserver


The  utility is written in php.  You don’t need to know php to use it, but  the CPAM servers don't run php so you'll need to run it on another web  server.   


I was able to run it on my PC after installing XAMPP.  I just copied it into the C:\xampp\htdocs directory.  I was then able to use this URL:


If you copy the file over to a linux system, remember to make it executable.  Here's what that command looks like:


#  chmod +x cpam-extract.php


Usage Notes:


This will try and pull a hundred or so values for the personnel records on the system.  If a user has multiple badges they will appear multiple times. 


Note: Some of the fields in a given user's record will depend on the existence of objects like an organization to exist ahead of time.  The import tool will give a warning to let you know if something does not exist yet.  In order for that record to succeed on it's import the object in question will have to be created or the entry in the CSV file will need to have that value removed.


This has been tested with CPAM 1.3.0 and 1.3.1


When the tool runs successfully you will be presented with a "" download.  If the tool is unable to create a zip file (older versions of php don't have zip) it will try to create a "CPAM_export.tar.gz" file.  If neither of those work it will try to offer a "CPAM_export.csv" file.  The csv file won't have any images or the properties file with it though.


To use the import tool, you will first want to unzip the CPAM_export file to your desktop.  The csv import tool is run by going into the CPAM client, then selecting users->personnel.  The Add option at the top of the page has a pulldown that runs the CSV import tool.


The import tool will ask for the import file.  You enter the csv file name.  Leave the "File has header row" box checked.  


On the next screen look for a button near the bottom that says "Load Configuration..."  Look for the file in the unzipped contents that ends in ".properties"


When you hit "Next" the system will start trying to process the entries.


Debug levels

If you need some indication that the tool is doing something, turning the debug value up will show more and more of what is going on.  If the tool is failing, the debug can show you where.


Debug 0: No text output, it just prompts to download the zip file.


Debug 1: Shows the names and badges of the records it is exporting.


Debug 2: Shows the names/badges and a dot or exclamation point for each field that is filled in for that user.  This is to allow a quick visual indication of which users have more fields filled in.


Debug 3: Adds a Field number/name/value section under each user/badge number listed.


Debug 4: Additionally shows the SQL queries being made.  This option can get quite lengthy.


Debug 5: includes the field mapping table and other control elements.




I'd  love to get your feedback on how this worked for you.  Let  me know  what you like about it, what you don't like about it, and what   suggestions you have for it.  Of course, I also want to know if you run into any problems caused by the script.   I can't fix it if I don't know it's broken.


This script is not  officially supported by our development team, but I will try to fix it if something is wrong.


Scenario 2


We have recently installed Cisco Physical Access Manager V1.2.0. We are using

the included Badge Designer from Glips Graffiti Editor v1.4. Has anyone had any

luck adding a 3 of 9 barcode to the badge design?


Yes, I have attached a document showing the steps to use a custom font with the Badge Designer.  In the doc, it shows using the 3 of 9 barcode font as an example.


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