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Tim Beebe
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



This document is intended for Cisco Engineers, Partners and Customers deploying Splunk-for-ISE Add-on & Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE) 2.4+ (use current recommended release). The reader should be familiar with Splunk and ISE. It is assumed that Splunk Enterprise 7.x+ (8.x preferred) has been installed.

The purpose of this guide is to showcase the 2 applications available in Splunkbase to use with Cisco ISE Syslog. There was an application version before this that used pxGrid 1.0 and EPS (endpoint protection services) to quarantine devices. This functionality has been deprecated by Splunk.

For more information, troubleshooting and upgrade, see the associated product documentation for the app

Note: Always check with ISE and Splunk team on current recommended releases


There are two applications that are used in this walk-through:
Splunk Add-on for Cisco Identity Services -

  • It is supported by splunk but not Cisco.
  • This is the application used to collect and process information from ISE syslog so that it can be used in its queries/consoles, for more detailed information see the information listed under the application link for the configuration, etc. 

Splunk for Cisco Identity Services (ISE) -

  • It is a community based application and not supported by Cisco or Splunk.
  • This is used for showcasing of the data received from ISE.




  • Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) 2.4 or higher (please validate latest recommended release)
  • Splunk 7.x+ (8.x preferred) with Splunk for Cisco Identity Services Engine and Splunk Add-On for Cisco Identity Services Engine
  • Switch or WLC configured for AAA Authentication
  • Test Device (windows/mac)

Components Used

Note: these are the components used when making this document. You should be using the latest recommended versions and patches recommended by the vendor and ISE team.

  • Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) 2.7
  • Splunk Enterprise 8
  • Splunk apps
    • Splunk for Cisco Identity Services Engine
    • Splunk Add-On for Cisco Identity Service Engine


Configure Splunk Add-Ons 


This guide assumes that Splunk is installed and has basic networking configured to communicate with ISE.



Log in to Splunk and click the cog-wheel to the right of Apps on the left of the screen




Click Install app from file




Browse and choose the Splunk for Cisco Identity Services (ISE) file downloaded in step 2, then click Upload

Delay the restart until after the second application is installed to prevent the need to restart Splunk twice.

Repeat the process for the Spunk Add-on for Cisco Identity Services file needed to enable pxGrid integration with Splunk

Restart when prompted


After the restart has completed, log in to the Spunk Enterprise GUI and click on Add Data




Click Monitor





Click TCP / UDP on the left

Set the UDP Port (514)

Set the ISE IP address (optional)

Click Next





Set the Source type to: “Select

Type in/select “Cisco:ISE:Syslog

Set the Host to: “IP

Click Review





If the settings look correct on the Review page, click Submit



Make sure you update your Linux firewall to allows ISE to send syslog to splunk by taking into account the following detail in Spunk server:




Open the port 514 (CentOS by using the commands and reload the firewall:

  • sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 514/udp
  • sudo firewall-cmd –-reload
  • sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

In order to delete any log received from ISE:

  • sourcetype="cisco:nvm:flowdata" |delete




Configure ISE to forward Syslog to Splunk


In ISE, navigate to Administration > Logging

Select Remote Logging Targets on the left then click Add




Add the Splunk instance Name, IP address, and the Syslog port configured on Splunk (514)

Name: Splunk

Target type: UDP SysLog

Status: Enabled

Host / IP Address: Splunk IP Address

Port: 514

Facility Code: LOCAL6

Maximum Length: 8192




Confirm the warning about the unsecure connection 




Select Logging Categories from the list on the left 




Edit each of the logging categories below to include the Splunk target

AAA Audit

Failed Attempts

Passed Authentications

AAA Diagnostics


RADIUS Accounting

Administrative and Operational Audit

Posture and Client Provisioning Audit

Posture and Client Provisioning Diagnostics

External MDM


System Diagnostics

System Statistics

To add the Spunk logging target, open each of the categories in this list, select Splunk, then click > and Save




Once completed, the Targets column should display Splunk for any desired messages to be sent to Splunk from ISE


















Authenticate a test device against ISE

In ISE, navigate to Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs 

The test device should match on the LabAccess policy created in the ISE Policy Set.


In Splunk, select the Cisco ISE application on the left

On the ISE Summary View graph, click on the last Passed-Authentication



 This will open the search page.  Expand the view of the Passed-Authentication and then expand Event Actions







Level 4
Level 4

Thanks for the document.

Question: From "Configure Splunk for the pxGrid connection" and onwards I'm stuck because I've Splunk running on Windows 10 machine, how do I import the certificates on Windows 10? I don't get the Java interaction as well.

Please help.



Tim Beebe
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The Splunk-for-ISE Add-on with pxGrid currently works on only Linux or MAC platforms. It does not work on Windows platforms due to limited API support for the encryption of stored pxGrid credentials.
Level 4
Level 4

Thank you. That tip helped. 


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