06-10-2009 05:00 AM - edited 03-08-2019 05:59 PM
This guide steps through the basics of re-imaging the Cisco ASA Content Security and Control (CSC) Security Services Module with the latest image file. This process takes roughly 30 minutes to complete (not including the downloading of the upgrade files from cisco.com) and it leaves the CSC module with a fresh installation of code.
There are two types of upgrade files available for the CSC module: BIN files and PKG files.
BIN files - BIN files are used to re-image the module. The files include the full installation of code present on the module. The BIN files will bring the module to a certain maintenance version such as 6.3.1172.0 or 6.6.1125.0.
PKG files - PKG files contain incremental bug fixes beyond the main release version available in BIN files. For example the csc6.3.1172.4.pkg will bring the module from 6.3.1172.0 up to 6.3.1172.4. PKG files contain just bug fixes and minor changes. You should read the PKG release notes to determine what is the minimum version of code the PKG can be installed on. Some package upgrades have very specific versions that must be installed prior to upgrade, the realease notes will outline that in detail:
This process will bring the CSC module down during the re-image process. If you have your CSC scanning policy configured with 'fail-close'. The traffic matching that policy will be blocked until the re-image process is completed and the module is back on-line. More information about the difference between 'fail-close' and its opposite, 'fail-open', can be found here:
Diverting Traffic to the CSC SSM
NOTE: If you already have a TFTP server available skip this step.
ciscoasa(config)# hw-module module 1 recover config
Image URL [tftp://]: tftp://
Port IP Address []:
VLAN ID [0]:
Gateway IP Address []:
NOTE: Leave the gateway as if the TFTP and CSC port are on the same Layer-3 subnet. If they are on different subnets, set the gateway to the next-hop router between the subnets.
ciscoasa(config)# hw-module module 1 recover boot
The module in slot 1 will be recovered. This may
erase all configuration and all data on that device and
attempt to download a new image for it.
Recover module in slot 1? [confirm]
Recover issued for module in slot 1
Slot-1 000> Platform SSM-CSC20
Slot-1 001> GigabitEthernet0/0
Slot-1 002> Link is UP
Slot-1 003> MAC Address: 000b.fcf8.0134
Slot-1 004> ROMMON Variable Settings:
Slot-1 005> ADDRESS=
Slot-1 006> SERVER=
Slot-1 007> GATEWAY=
Slot-1 008> PORT=GigabitEthernet0/0
Slot-1 009> VLAN=untagged
Slot-1 010> IMAGE= csc6.6.1125.0.bin
Slot-1 011> CONFIG=
Slot-1 012> tftp csc6.6.1125.0.bin@
Slot-1 013> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slot-1 014> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slot-1 204>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slot-1 205> Received 57985402 bytes
Slot-1 206> Launching TFTP Image...
Slot-1 207> Cisco Systems ROMMON Version (1.0(8)1) #0: Thu Jan 20 20:28:49 PST 2005
Slot-1 208> Platform SSM-CSC20
Slot-1 209> GigabitEthernet0/0
Slot-1 210> Link is UP
Slot-1 211> MAC Address: 000b.fcf8.0134
Slot-1 212> Launching BootLoader...
Reference URL for Cisco.com----
http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/csc/csc6.1.1569.0/administration/guide/cscappa.pdf |
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