06-18-2019 11:21 AM - edited 03-13-2023 10:15 PM
XR-vm - CLI's |
Description |
show context | look for any process crash, review time stamp[if it is too old, then no immediate action needed] |
show redundancy | verify if standby state is Ready and NSR-Ready |
show proc cpu | exclude " 0%" | look for processes hogging CPU |
show memory summary location all | gives a dump of overall system memory state with availability |
show hw-module fpd | all HW level FPD programming state, look for 'NEED UPGD' ; if found please upgrade FPD for that card |
show configuration commit list 5 | view last 5 commits |
show version | in uptime | verify system up time |
show media | verify filesystem space |
show watchdog memory-state location all | detailed memory status |
show rcc ipv4 unicast all | route consistency check [unicast only] |
show rcc ipv6 unicast all | RCC for v6 |
show lcc ipv4 unicast all | Label Consistency Check |
show lcc ipv6 unicast all | LCC for v6 |
show cef resource location <Line card> | ex GREEN | LC forwarding resources [if GREEN, we are good, any other color then the resources are getting over-utilized] |
Show CEF tables summary location <Line card> | show LC forwarding CEF tables for the LC |
show cef resource hardware ingress location 0/0/CPU0 | ex GREEN | LC forwarding at hardware level - ingress |
how cef resource hardware egress location 0/0/CPU0 | ex GREEN | LC forwarding at hardware level - egress |
show health gsp | inter-process communication - GSP health |
show health cfgmgr | configuration manager health |
show alarms brief system active | review output for alarm description requiring immediate action |
show health sysdb | system database [to store processes db] SYSDB health |
show asic-errors all summary location | look for any fast increment ASIC error counters |
show processes blocked location all | ex lpts | look for any processes in Mutex/reply blocked state for extended period of time |
Other Useful CLI's |
monitor interface * OR <interface name> | to review interface traffic incoming/outgoing - real time |
config t - lpts pifib hardware police location 0/0/CPU0 flow ssh known rate <> | to configure LPTS policer rate for incoming ssh sessions through LC interface |
admin config - fpd auto-upgrade enable | to enable auto-upgrade functionality for FPD versions during SW image upgrade |
show install active summary | to view list of active packages |
show install inactive summary | to view list of inactive packages |
install remove inactive | removed all inactive packages [ helps to clear disk space] |
install commit | to checkpoint current software version and packages installed |
show install request | to verify any ongoing install activity progress |
to move between different vm's [e.g. xr-vm, to sysadmin-vm to host-vm] | Ctrl+o, press again to go to next VM in sequence |
Admin-vm CLI's |
show controller fabric plane all detail | fabric plane details -verify if all planes are UP UP |
show controllers fabric health | overall fabric health |
show controller switch statistics detail | in "Rx Errors|Rx Bad CRC|Gbps" | ex " 0" | Monitor for Rx Errors/CRC errors on the control-ethernet Switch path. |
show platform | cards list |
show context | look for any process crash |
show install committed summary | show all packages installed and committed, verify if it matches with show install active summary |
show environment temperatures | shows temperature of all hw components [cards] |
show environment fan | fan status - speed, etc |
show environment power | power status |
show inventory all | all cards inventory [ you can find card serial numbers here] |
show vm | verify if all VM's are in 'running' state |
For verifying the packets drops or critical alarms , below CLI should help
show controllers npu stats traps-all instance all location 0/1/CPU0
Trap Type NPU Trap TrapStats Policer Packet Packet
ID ID ID Accepted Dropped
RxTrapMimSaMove(CFM_DOWM_MEP_DMM) 0 6 0x6 32037 0 0
RxTrapMimSaUnknown(RCY_CFM_DOWN_MEP_DMM) 0 7 0x7 32037 0 0
RxTrapAuthSaLookupFail (IPMC default) 0 8 0x8 32033 0 0
RxTrapSaMulticast 0 11 0xb 32018 0 0
RxTrapArpMyIp 0 13 0xd 32001 0 0
RxTrapArp 0 14 0xe 32001 1 0
RxTrapDhcpv4Server 0 18 0x12 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv4Client 0 19 0x13 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv6Server 0 20 0x14 32022 0 0
RxTrapDhcpv6Client 0 21 0x15 32022 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LACP 0 23 0x17 32003 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP1 0 24 0x18 32004 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP2 0 25 0x19 32004 38202 0
RxTrapL2Cache_LLDP3 0 26 0x1a 32004 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_ELMI 0 27 0x1b 32005 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_BPDU 0 28 0x1c 32027 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_BUNDLE_BPDU 0 29 0x1d 32027 0 0
RxTrapL2Cache_CDP 0 30 0x1e 32002 0 0
RxTrapHeaderSizeErr 0 32 0x20 32018 0 0
RxTrapIpCompMcInvalidIp 0 35 0x23 32018 0 0
RxTrapMyMacAndIpDisabled 0 36 0x24 32018 0 0
RxTrapMyMacAndMplsDisable 0 37 0x25 32018 0 0
RxTrapArpReply 0 38 0x26 32001 84 0
RxTrapFibDrop 0 41 0x29 32018 94952 0
show controllers npu resources all location 0/1/CPU0
HW Resource Information
Name : lem
Asic Type : Jericho
OOR Summary
Estimated Max Entries : 786432
Red Threshold : 95 %
Yellow Threshold : 80 %
OOR State : Green
Current Usage
Total In-Use : 57 (0 %)
iproute : 33 (0 %)
ip6route : 2 (0 %)
mplslabel : 26 (0 %)
l2brmac : 0 (0 %)
OOR Summary
Estimated Max Entries : 786432
Red Threshold : 95 %
Yellow Threshold : 80 %
OOR State : Green
Current Usage
Total In-Use : 57 (0 %)
iproute : 33 (0 %)
ip6route : 2 (0 %)
mplslabel : 26 (0 %)
l2brmac : 0 (0 %)
OOR Summary
Estimated Max Entries : 786432
Red Threshold : 95 %
Yellow Threshold : 80 %
OOR State : Green
show controllers npu voq-usage interface all instance 0 location 0/1/CPU0
Node ID: 0/1/CPU0
Intf Intf NPU NPU PP Sys VOQ Flow VOQ Port
name handle # core Port Port base base port speed
(hex) type
Hu0/0/0/0 48 0 0 9 9 2896 6616 remote 100G
Hu0/0/0/1 68 0 0 13 13 2960 7512 remote 100G
Hu0/0/0/2 88 0 0 17 17 2968 8408 remote 100G
=> To check any system Alarms
show alarms brief system history
History Alarms
Location Severity Group Set Time Description
Clear Time
<LC> Major Software 03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics: RX LOS LANE-3 ALARM
03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT
<LC> Major Software 03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics: RX LOL LANE-0 ALARM
03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT
<LC> Major Software 03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics: RX LOL LANE-1 ALARM
03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT
<LC> Major Software 03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics: RX LOL LANE-2 ALARM
03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT
<LC> Major Software 03/23/2023 14:22:11 EDT Optics0/0/0/2 - hw_optics: RX LOL LANE-3 ALARM
03/23/2023 14:28:51 EDT
show alarms brief system active
Active Alarms
Location Severity Group Set Time Description
0/PM0 Major Environ 05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT Power Module Error (PM_VIN_VOLT_OOR).
0/PM0 Major Environ 05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT Power Module Error (PM_NO_INPUT_DETECTED).
0 Major Environ 05/19/2023 12:32:05 EDT Power Group redundancy lost.
0/PM0 Major Environ 05/19/2023 12:32:09 EDT Power Module Output Disabled.
thanks a lot
We can use telemetry for system checks & proactively monitoring. Please refer below link for ASR9K & DNX telemetry sensors
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