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You might get an faster answer about Services, Support, and PSIRT APIs and the API Console there.

Forum Posts

Hello psirt,I am looking to get the content of an advisories ID, as I can do with postman using the Authorization Bearer;GOLANG APICLient (DefaultApi.SecurityAdvisoriesAdvisoryAdvisoryIdGet) return a 200 ok, but with an empty body, contrary of postma...

Resolved! API Selection Map

I've been using the Cisco Support APIs ( for a while which is managed through Mashery.  PSS API access is available via Support API portal, however those require (as I understand it) an appliance on-prem...

thiland by Level 3
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In regards to the parts shipped and received the API returns the correct qty of each but it does not display all serial numbers. Currently only one serial number for shipped/received is being displayed. Are there plans to correct this? Or is there an...

Paul Webb by Cisco Employee
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We want to use 'Automated Software Distribution API' to download a specific version of a product with a specific version, for example, NSO - Network Service Orchestration version 4.6.1. How can we find the PID and release name for our API request?GET...

bioz by Cisco Employee
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Hello All     I have asked this in a few different places but I think I finally have an understanding enough to make it a dedicated discussion.  I recently attempted to register this API -- Cisco PSIRT openVuln API --.  I am able to get the key on a ...

Hi,Still trying to take advantage of the API, but it seems that the ouput of the request is different since some days.I am not retrieving the nx-os version in the prodduct_names field of the list dictionnaries return by openVulnQuery --cvrf --all.Hen...

qdS by Level 1
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The CVRF download of Security Advisories previously included list elements within a list of Product Names and IOS/XE version information in a product_names column. The IOS and IOSXE version numbers have since been removed from the data. Without the I...

vlm by Level 1
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We are implementing a new Learning Management System (Litmos) and we are unable to integrate the Web Ex Training Environment into this site.  I have been getting the run around for weeks- can someone PLEASE help.

JamieJ37 by Level 1
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Resolved! API

Hi,   As a Distributor, we get in touch only with Resellers but not with the final clients.   Do we "Distributor" have a way in connecting our home brand portal to Cisco APIs to pull the data that can give the same information as a SNTC portal withou...

My application has been pulling Security Advisories for a few months. However, when I ran the app yesterday (Aug 13, 2018), I only got advisories through Aug 1 even though advisories past Aug 1 existed. I ran the app this morning and got data through...

vlm by Level 1
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