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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Connecting RV220W to an IPv6 Tunnel Broker

Joergen Thomsen
Level 1
Level 1

I have encountered two problems with this:

1) the advertisement prefix in the illustration on page 9 is wrong. It should be  2001:470:1f0f:d14:: 

(the Routed/64 prefix on page 5)

2) I have not been able to make a Windows XP client work with this router advertisement. It might be because the default address (fe80::200:ff:fe00:0) is announcing itself in the neighbor advertisement as not being a router.

Accessing the local 2001:470:28:2fc addresses are OK, but external addresses cannot be accessed.


This problem in 2) disappeared after rebooting router and workstation.


The solution will cause the 2002:... 6to4 external site address appear in a traceroute from the outside, but not in the reverse direction. As no 6to4 tunnels should be involved, I am worried that the solution might be a little fragile.


My dream of getting rid of tunnel setup and radv software on the server and just run IPv6 seems to have come true.

However, the RV220W should still be able to route protocol X (e.g. 41) packets by adding a rule in the firewall table (it is possible in the beta GUI, but not working).

(Using beta firmware

BTW on the linux server the following commands were used. No tunnel setup.

ip addr add $SERVER6 dev eth0

ip -6 route add default dev eth0 via $ROUTER6

Community Member

I cannot get this to work with RV110W on version provides 6in4, instead of 6to4, not using 2002 addressing.  Although I put the IPV6 static route in to ::<IPV4 tunnelbroker server> it does not show in routing table.  Rather the IPV6 default route goes to ::, 6to4 anycast relay address.  This is not what tunnelbroker uses but rather just a manually configured 6in4 tunnel.  Does the RV110W not support this?

Community Member

I have the same problem with the RV110W. Has in the meanwhile someone get tihis to work on a RV110W? I think the only problem is that the webinterface does not let you enterer a IPv6 route to ::<IPV4 tunnelbroker server> ("invalid ip format")

Has anyone an idea how to fix this or to get rid of the "invalid ip adress" message ? Thx!

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