on 09-20-2010 04:19 PM
If you are working with SPA configuration files, chances are you have wondered why the phone sometimes reboots after a resync.
The attached file lists the configurable parameters that when changed, cause a SPA phone to reboot after a resync.
Refer to the https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-9889 document if you want to decode a reboot reason.
Note that 7.4.6 part of document has been converted from former read-only PDF version published by
Index to tables by firmware version: 7.4.6, 7.4.7, 7.4.8a, 7.4.9a, 7.4.9c
Parameter | Remote Provisioning |
# *** System Configuration | |
Restricted_Access_Domains | reboot |
Enable_Web_Server | reboot |
Web_Server_Port | reboot |
Enable_Web_Admin_Access | reboot |
Admin_Passwd | reboot |
User_Password | reboot |
Signaling_Protocol | reboot |
SPCP_Auto-detect | reboot |
Phone-UI-readonly | none |
# *** Internet Connection Type | |
Connection_Type | reboot |
# *** Static IP Settings | |
Static_IP | reboot |
NetMask | reboot |
Gateway | reboot |
# *** Optional Network Configuration | |
HostName | reboot |
Domain | reboot |
Primary_DNS | reboot |
Secondary_DNS | reboot |
DNS_Server_Order | reboot |
DNS_Query_Mode | reboot |
DNS_Query_TTL_Ignore | reboot |
Syslog_Server | none |
Debug_Server | none |
Debug_Level | none |
Primary_NTP_Server | reboot |
Secondary_NTP_Server | reboot |
# *** VLAN Settings | |
Enable_VLAN | reboot |
Enable_CDP | reboot |
VLAN_ID | reboot |
PC_Port_VLAN_Highest_Priority | reboot |
Enable_PC_Port_VLAN_Tagging | reboot |
PC_Port_VLAN_ID | reboot |
# *** Configuration Profile | |
Provision_Enable | none |
Resync_On_Reset | reboot |
Resync_Random_Delay | reboot |
Resync_Periodic | reboot |
Resync_Error_Retry_Delay | reboot |
Forced_Resync_Delay | reboot |
Resync_From_SIP | reboot |
Resync_After_Upgrade_Attempt | reboot |
Resync_Trigger_1 | reboot |
Resync_Trigger_2 | reboot |
Resync_Fails_On_FNF | reboot |
Profile_Rule | reboot |
Profile_Rule_B | reboot |
Profile_Rule_C | reboot |
Profile_Rule_D | reboot |
DHCP_Option_To_Use | cold |
Transport_Protocol | reboot |
Log_Resync_Request_Msg | reboot |
Log_Resync_Success_Msg | reboot |
Log_Resync_Failure_Msg | reboot |
Report_Rule | reboot |
User_Configurable_Resync | reboot |
# *** Firmware Upgrade | |
Upgrade_Enable | reboot |
Upgrade_Error_Retry_Delay | reboot |
Downgrade_Rev_Limit | reboot |
Upgrade_Rule | reboot |
Log_Upgrade_Request_Msg | reboot |
Log_Upgrade_Success_Msg | reboot |
Log_Upgrade_Failure_Msg | reboot |
License_Keys | reboot |
# *** General Purpose Parameters | |
GPP_A | none |
GPP_B | none |
GPP_C | none |
GPP_D | none |
GPP_E | none |
GPP_F | none |
GPP_G | none |
GPP_H | none |
GPP_I | none |
GPP_J | none |
GPP_K | none |
GPP_L | none |
GPP_M | none |
GPP_N | none |
GPP_O | none |
GPP_P | none |
GPP_SA | none |
GPP_SB | none |
GPP_SC | none |
GPP_SD | none |
# *** SIP Parameters | |
Max_Forward | reboot |
Max_Redirection | reboot |
Max_Auth | reboot |
SIP_User_Agent_Name | reboot |
SIP_Server_Name | reboot |
SIP_Reg_User_Agent_Name | reboot |
SIP_Accept_Language | reboot |
DTMF_Relay_MIME_Type | reboot |
Hook_Flash_MIME_Type | reboot |
Remove_Last_Reg | reboot |
Use_Compact_Header | reboot |
Escape_Display_Name | reboot |
SIP-B_Enable | reboot |
Talk_Package | reboot |
Hold_Package | reboot |
Conference_Package | reboot |
Notify_Conference | reboot |
RFC_2543_Call_Hold | reboot |
Random_REG_CID_On_Reboot | reboot |
Mark_All_AVT_Packets | reboot |
SIP_TCP_Port_Min | reboot |
SIP_TCP_Port_Max | reboot |
CTI_Enable | reboot |
Caller_ID_Header | reboot |
SRTP_Method | reboot |
Hold_Target_Before_REFER | reboot |
Dialog_SDP_Enable | reboot |
# *** SIP Timer Values (sec) | |
SIP_T1 | reboot |
SIP_T2 | reboot |
SIP_T4 | reboot |
SIP_Timer_B | reboot |
SIP_Timer_F | reboot |
SIP_Timer_H | reboot |
SIP_Timer_D | reboot |
SIP_Timer_J | reboot |
INVITE_Expires | reboot |
ReINVITE_Expires | reboot |
Reg_Min_Expires | reboot |
Reg_Max_Expires | reboot |
Reg_Retry_Intvl | reboot |
Reg_Retry_Long_Intvl | reboot |
Reg_Retry_Random_Delay | reboot |
Reg_Retry_Long_Random_Delay | reboot |
Reg_Retry_Intvl_Cap | reboot |
Sub_Min_Expires | reboot |
Sub_Max_Expires | reboot |
Sub_Retry_Intvl | reboot |
# *** Response Status Code Handling | |
SIT1_RSC | reboot |
SIT2_RSC | reboot |
SIT3_RSC | reboot |
SIT4_RSC | reboot |
Try_Backup_RSC | reboot |
Retry_Reg_RSC | reboot |
# *** RTP Parameters | |
RTP_Port_Min | reboot |
RTP_Port_Max | reboot |
RTP_Packet_Size | reboot |
Max_RTP_ICMP_Err | reboot |
RTCP_Tx_Interval | reboot |
No_UDP_Checksum | reboot |
Symmetric_RTP | reboot |
Stats_In_BYE | reboot |
# *** SDP Payload Types | |
AVT_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
INFOREQ_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
G726r16_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
G726r24_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
G726r32_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
G726r40_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
G729b_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
EncapRTP_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
RTP-Start-Loopback_Dynamic_Payload | reboot |
RTP-Start-Loopback_Codec | reboot |
AVT_Codec_Name | reboot |
G711u_Codec_Name | reboot |
G711a_Codec_Name | reboot |
G726r16_Codec_Name | reboot |
G726r24_Codec_Name | reboot |
G726r32_Codec_Name | reboot |
G726r40_Codec_Name | reboot |
G729a_Codec_Name | reboot |
G729b_Codec_Name | reboot |
G723_Codec_Name | reboot |
G722_Codec_Name | reboot |
L16_Codec_Name | reboot |
EncapRTP_Codec_Name | reboot |
# *** NAT Support Parameters | |
Handle_VIA_received | reboot |
Handle_VIA_rport | reboot |
Insert_VIA_received | reboot |
Insert_VIA_rport | reboot |
Substitute_VIA_Addr | reboot |
Send_Resp_To_Src_Port | reboot |
STUN_Enable | reboot |
STUN_Test_Enable | reboot |
STUN_Server | reboot |
EXT_IP | reboot |
EXT_RTP_Port_Min | reboot |
NAT_Keep_Alive_Intvl | reboot |
# *** Linksys Key System Parameters | |
Linksys_Key_System | reboot |
Multicast_Address | reboot |
Key_System_Auto_Discovery | none |
Key_System_IP_Address | none |
Force_LAN_Codec | reboot |
# *** General | |
Line_Enable[1] | reboot |
# *** Share Line Appearance | |
Share_Ext[1] | reboot |
Shared_User_ID[1] | reboot |
Subscription_Expires[1] | reboot |
Restrict_MWI[1] | reboot |
Monitor_User_ID[1] | reboot |
# *** NAT Settings | |
NAT_Mapping_Enable[1] | reboot |
NAT_Keep_Alive_Enable[1] | reboot |
NAT_Keep_Alive_Msg[1] | reboot |
NAT_Keep_Alive_Dest[1] | reboot |
# *** Network Settings | |
SIP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[1] | reboot |
SIP_CoS_Value[1] | reboot |
RTP_TOS/DiffServ_Value[1] | reboot |
RTP_CoS_Value[1] | reboot |
Network_Jitter_Level[1] | reboot |
Jitter_Buffer_Adjustment[1] | reboot |
# *** SIP Settings | |
SIP_Transport[1] | reboot |
SIP_Port[1] | reboot |
SIP_100REL_Enable[1] | reboot |
EXT_SIP_Port[1] | reboot |
Auth_Resync-Reboot[1] | reboot |
SIP_Proxy-Require[1] | reboot |
SIP_Remote-Party-ID[1] | reboot |
Referor_Bye_Delay[1] | reboot |
Refer-To_Target_Contact[1] | reboot |
Referee_Bye_Delay[1] | reboot |
SIP_Debug_Option[1] | reboot |
Refer_Target_Bye_Delay[1] | reboot |
Sticky_183[1] | reboot |
Auth_INVITE[1] | reboot |
Ntfy_Refer_On_1xx-To-Inv[1] | reboot |
Use_Anonymous_With_RPID[1] | reboot |
Set_G729_annexb[1] | reboot |
Voice_Quality_Report_Address[1] | reboot |
# *** Call Feature Settings | |
Blind_Attn-Xfer_Enable[1] | reboot |
MOH_Server[1] | reboot |
Message_Waiting[1] | reboot |
Auth_Page[1] | reboot |
Default_Ring[(1)] | reboot |
Auth_Page_Realm[1] | reboot |
Conference_Bridge_URL[1] | reboot |
Auth_Page_Password[1] | reboot |
Mailbox_ID[1] | reboot |
Voice_Mail_Server[1] | reboot |
Voice_Mail_Subscribe_Interval[1] | reboot |
State_Agent[1] | reboot |
CFWD_Notify_Serv[1] | reboot |
CFWD_Notifier[1] | reboot |
User_ID_with_Domain[1] | reboot |
# *** Proxy and Registration | |
Proxy[1] | reboot |
Outbound_Proxy[1] | reboot |
Use_Outbound_Proxy[1] | reboot |
Use_OB_Proxy_In_Dialog[1] | reboot |
Register[1] | reboot |
Make_Call_Without_Reg[1] | reboot |
Register_Expires[1] | reboot |
Ans_Call_Without_Reg[1] | reboot |
Use_DNS_SRV[1] | reboot |
DNS_SRV_Auto_Prefix[1] | reboot |
Proxy_Fallback_Intvl[1] | reboot |
Proxy_Redundancy_Method[1] | reboot |
# *** Subscriber Information | |
Display_Name[1] | reboot |
User_ID[1] | reboot |
Password[1] | reboot |
Use_Auth_ID[1] | reboot |
Auth_ID[1] | reboot |
Mini_Certificate[1] | reboot |
SRTP_Private_Key[1] | reboot |
# *** Audio Configuration | |
Preferred_Codec[1] | reboot |
Use_Pref_Codec_Only[1] | reboot |
Second_Preferred_Codec[1] | reboot |
Third_Preferred_Codec[1] | reboot |
G729a_Enable[1] | reboot |
G723_Enable[1] | reboot |
G722_Enable[1] | reboot |
L16_Enable[1] | reboot |
G726-16_Enable[1] | reboot |
G726-24_Enable[1] | reboot |
G726-32_Enable[1] | reboot |
G726-40_Enable[1] | reboot |
Release_Unused_Codec[1] | reboot |
DTMF_Process_AVT[1] | reboot |
Silence_Supp_Enable[1] | reboot |
DTMF_Tx_Method[1] | reboot |
DTMF_Tx_Volume_for_AVT_Packet[1] | reboot |
# *** Dial Plan | |
Dial_Plan[1] | reboot |
Caller_ID_Map[1] | reboot |
Enable_IP_Dialing[1] | reboot |
Emergency_Number[1] | reboot |
# *** Call Forward | |
Cfwd_All_Dest | reboot |
Cfwd_Busy_Dest | reboot |
Cfwd_No_Ans_Dest | reboot |
Cfwd_No_Ans_Delay | reboot |
# *** Speed Dial | |
Speed_Dial_2 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_3 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_4 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_5 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_6 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_7 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_8 | reboot |
Speed_Dial_9 | reboot |
# *** Supplementary Services | |
CW_Setting | reboot |
Block_CID_Setting | reboot |
Block_ANC_Setting | reboot |
DND_Setting | reboot |
Secure_Call_Setting | reboot |
Dial_Assistance | reboot |
Auto_Answer_Page | reboot |
Preferred_Audio_Device | reboot |
Send_Audio_To_Speaker | reboot |
Time_Format | reboot |
Date_Format | reboot |
Miss_Call_Shortcut | reboot |
Accept_Media_Loopback_Request | reboot |
Media_Loopback_Mode | reboot |
Media_Loopback_Type | reboot |
Text_Message | reboot |
Text_Message_From_3rd_Party | reboot |
Alert_Tone_Off | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_1 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_2 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_3 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_4 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_5 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_6 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_7 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_8 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_9 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_10 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_11 | reboot |
Log_Missed_Calls_for_EXT_12 | reboot |
# *** Audio Volume | |
Ringer_Volume | reboot |
Speaker_Volume | reboot |
Handset_Volume | reboot |
Headset_Volume | reboot |
Deep_Bass | reboot |
# *** LCD | |
LCD_Contrast | reboot |
Back_Light_Timer | reboot |
# *** General | |
Station_Name | reboot |
Station_Display_Name | reboot |
Voice_Mail_Number | reboot |
Text_Logo | reboot |
BMP_Picture_Download_URL | none |
Select_Logo | none |
Select_Background_Picture | none |
Softkey_Labels_Font | reboot |
Screen_Saver_Enable | reboot |
Screen_Saver_Wait | reboot |
Screen_Saver_Icon | reboot |
# *** Line Key 1 | |
Extension[1] | reboot |
Short_Name[1] | reboot |
Share_Call_Appearance[1] | reboot |
Extended_Function[1] | reboot |
# *** Miscellaneous Line Key Settings | |
Line_ID_Mapping | reboot |
SCA_Barge-In_Enable | reboot |
SCA_Sticky_Auto_Line_Seize | reboot |
Line_Navigation | reboot |
# *** Line Key LED Pattern | |
Idle_LED | reboot |
Remote_Undefined_LED | reboot |
Local_Seized_LED | reboot |
Remote_Seized_LED | reboot |
Local_Progressing_LED | reboot |
Remote_Progressing_LED | reboot |
Local_Ringing_LED | reboot |
Remote_Ringing_LED | reboot |
Local_Active_LED | reboot |
Remote_Active_LED | reboot |
Local_Held_LED | reboot |
Remote_Held_LED | reboot |
Register_Failed_LED | reboot |
Disabled_LED | reboot |
Registering_LED | reboot |
Call_Back_Active_LED | reboot |
Trunk_In-use_LED | reboot |
Trunk_No_Service_LED | reboot |
Trunk_Reserved_LED | reboot |
# *** Supplementary Services | |
Conference_Serv | reboot |
Attn_Transfer_Serv | reboot |
Blind_Transfer_Serv | reboot |
DND_Serv | reboot |
Block_ANC_Serv | reboot |
Call_Back_Serv | reboot |
Block_CID_Serv | reboot |
Secure_Call_Serv | reboot |
Cfwd_All_Serv | reboot |
Cfwd_Busy_Serv | reboot |
Cfwd_No_Ans_Serv | reboot |
Paging_Serv | reboot |
Call_Park_Serv | reboot |
Call_Pick_Up_Serv | reboot |
ACD_Login_Serv | reboot |
Group_Call_Pick_Up_Serv | reboot |
ACD_Ext | reboot |
Service_Annc_Serv | reboot |
# *** Ring Tone | |
Ring1 | reboot |
Ring2 | reboot |
Ring3 | reboot |
Ring4 | reboot |
Ring5 | reboot |
Ring6 | reboot |
Ring7 | reboot |
Ring8 | reboot |
Ring9 | reboot |
Ring10 | reboot |
# *** Audio Input Gain (dB) | |
Handset_Input_Gain | reboot |
Headset_Input_Gain | reboot |
Speakerphone_Input_Gain | reboot |
Acoustic_Echo_Canceller_Enable | reboot |
Handset_Additional_Input_Gain | reboot |
Headset_Additional_Input_Gain | reboot |
Speakerphone_Additional_Input_Gain | reboot |
# *** Multiple Paging Group Parameters | |
Group_Paging_Script | reboot |
# *** Broadsoft Settings | |
Directory_Enable | reboot |
XSI_Host_Server | reboot |
Directory_Name | reboot |
Directory_Type | reboot |
Directory_UserID | reboot |
Directory_Password | reboot |
Call_Feature_Sync_Ext (* removed in 7.4.9a *) | reboot |
# *** LDAP Corporate Directory Search | |
LDAP_Dir_Enable | reboot |
LDAP_Corp_Dir_Name | reboot |
LDAP_Server | reboot |
LDAP_Auth_Method | reboot |
LDAP_Client_DN | reboot |
LDAP_Username | reboot |
LDAP_Password | reboot |
LDAP_Search_Base | reboot |
LDAP_Last_Name_Filter | reboot |
LDAP_First_Name_Filter | reboot |
LDAP_Search_Item_3 | reboot |
LDAP_Item_3_Filter | reboot |
LDAP_Search_Item_4 | reboot |
LDAP_item_4_Filter | reboot |
LDAP_Display_Attrs | reboot |
LDAP_Number_Mapping | reboot |
# *** XML Service | |
XML_Directory_Service_Name | reboot |
XML_Directory_Service_URL | reboot |
XML_Application_Service_Name | reboot |
XML_Application_Service_URL | reboot |
# *** Extension Mobility | |
EM_Enable | reboot |
EM_User_Domain | reboot |
EM_Phone_User_ID | reboot |
EM_Phone_Password | reboot |
EM_Mobile_User_ID | reboot |
EM_Mobile_Password | reboot |
# *** Programmable Softkeys | |
Programmable_Softkey_Enable | reboot |
Idle_Key_List | reboot |
Missed_Call_Key_List | reboot |
Off_Hook_Key_List | reboot |
Dialing_Input_Key_List | reboot |
Progressing_Key_List | reboot |
Connected_Key_List | reboot |
Start-Xfer_Key_List | reboot |
Start-Conf_Key_List | reboot |
Conferencing_Key_List | reboot |
Releasing_Key_List | reboot |
Hold_Key_List | reboot |
Ringing_Key_List | reboot |
Shared_Active_Key_List | reboot |
Shared_Held_Key_List | reboot |
PSK_1 | reboot |
PSK_2 | reboot |
PSK_3 | reboot |
PSK_4 | reboot |
PSK_5 | reboot |
PSK_6 | reboot |
# *** Call Progress Tones | |
Dial_Tone | reboot |
Outside_Dial_Tone | reboot |
Prompt_Tone | reboot |
Busy_Tone | reboot |
Reorder_Tone | reboot |
Off_Hook_Warning_Tone | reboot |
Ring_Back_Tone | reboot |
Call_Waiting_Tone | reboot |
Confirm_Tone | reboot |
SIT1_Tone | reboot |
SIT2_Tone | reboot |
SIT3_Tone | reboot |
SIT4_Tone | reboot |
MWI_Dial_Tone | reboot |
Cfwd_Dial_Tone | reboot |
Holding_Tone | reboot |
Conference_Tone | reboot |
Secure_Call_Indication_Tone | reboot |
Page_Tone | reboot |
Alert_Tone | reboot |
# *** Distinctive Ring Patterns | |
Cadence_1 | reboot |
Cadence_2 | reboot |
Cadence_3 | reboot |
Cadence_4 | reboot |
Cadence_5 | reboot |
Cadence_6 | reboot |
Cadence_7 | reboot |
Cadence_8 | reboot |
Cadence_9 | reboot |
# *** Control Timer Values (sec) | |
Reorder_Delay | reboot |
Call_Back_Expires | reboot |
Call_Back_Retry_Intvl | reboot |
Call_Back_Delay | reboot |
Interdigit_Long_Timer | reboot |
Interdigit_Short_Timer | reboot |
# *** Vertical Service Activation Codes | |
Call_Return_Code | reboot |
Blind_Transfer_Code | reboot |
Call_Back_Act_Code | reboot |
Call_Back_Deact_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_All_Act_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_All_Deact_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_Busy_Act_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_Busy_Deact_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_No_Ans_Act_Code | reboot |
Cfwd_No_Ans_Deact_Code | reboot |
CW_Act_Code | reboot |
CW_Deact_Code | reboot |
CW_Per_Call_Act_Code | reboot |
CW_Per_Call_Deact_Code | reboot |
Block_CID_Act_Code | reboot |
Block_CID_Deact_Code | reboot |
Block_CID_Per_Call_Act_Code | reboot |
Block_CID_Per_Call_Deact_Code | reboot |
Block_ANC_Act_Code | reboot |
Block_ANC_Deact_Code | reboot |
DND_Act_Code | reboot |
DND_Deact_Code | reboot |
Secure_All_Call_Act_Code | reboot |
Secure_No_Call_Act_Code | reboot |
Secure_One_Call_Act_Code | reboot |
Secure_One_Call_Deact_Code | reboot |
Paging_Code | reboot |
Call_Park_Code | reboot |
Call_Pickup_Code | reboot |
Call_UnPark_Code | reboot |
Group_Call_Pickup_Code | reboot |
Media_Loopback_Code | reboot |
Referral_Services_Codes | reboot |
Feature_Dial_Services_Codes | reboot |
# *** Vertical Service Announcement Codes | |
Service_Annc_Base_Number | reboot |
Service_Annc_Extension_Codes | reboot |
# *** Outbound Call Codec Selection Codes | |
Prefer_G711u_Code | reboot |
Force_G711u_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G711a_Code | reboot |
Force_G711a_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G723_Code | reboot |
Force_G723_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G722_Code | reboot |
Force_G722_Code | reboot |
Prefer_L16_Code | reboot |
Force_L16_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G726r16_Code | reboot |
Force_G726r16_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G726r24_Code | reboot |
Force_G726r24_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G726r32_Code | reboot |
Force_G726r32_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G726r40_Code | reboot |
Force_G726r40_Code | reboot |
Prefer_G729a_Code | reboot |
Force_G729a_Code | reboot |
# *** Miscellaneous | |
Set_Local_Date_(mm/dd) | reboot |
Set_Local_Time_(HH/mm) | reboot |
Time_Zone | reboot |
Time_Offset_(HH/mm) | reboot |
Ignore_DHCP_Time_Offset | reboot |
Daylight_Saving_Time_Rule | reboot |
Daylight_Saving_Time_Enable | reboot |
DTMF_Playback_Level | reboot |
DTMF_Playback_Length | reboot |
Inband_DTMF_Boost | reboot |
Dictionary_Server_Script | reboot |
Language_Selection | reboot |
Default_Character_Encoding | reboot |
# *** General | |
Subscribe_Expires | reboot |
Subscribe_Retry_Interval | reboot |
Unit_1_Enable | reboot |
Subscribe_Delay | reboot |
Unit_2_Enable | reboot |
Server_Type | reboot |
Test_Mode_Enable | reboot |
Attendant_Console_Call_Pickup_Code | reboot |
BLF_List_URI | reboot |
# *** Attendant Key LED Pattern | |
Application_LED | reboot |
Serv_Subscribe_Failed_LED | reboot |
Serv_Subscribing_LED | reboot |
SNRM_Day_Mode_LED | reboot |
SNRM_Night_Mode_LED | reboot |
Parking_Lot_Idle_LED | reboot |
Parking_Lot_Busy_LED | reboot |
BLF_Idle_LED | reboot |
BLF_Ringing_LED | reboot |
BLF_Busy_LED | reboot |
BLF_Held_LED | reboot |
# *** Unit 1 | |
Unit_1_Key_1 | reboot |
... | |
# *** Unit 2 | |
Unit_2_Key_1 | reboot |
... | |
Protect_IVR_FactoryReset | reboot |
Parameter | Remote Provisioning |
# *** System Configuration | |
Phone-UI-user-mode | none |
# *** Optional Network Configuration | |
Layer_2_Logging | none |
# *** VLAN Settings | |
Enable_LLDP-MED | reboot |
Network_Startup_Delay | reboot |
# *** Configuration Profile | |
Resync_At__HHmm_ | none |
# *** Audio Configuration | |
Use_Remote_Pref_Codec[1] | none |
Codec_Negotiation[1] | none |
# *** Supplementary Services | |
Miss_Call_Banner | none |
Parameter | Remote Provisioning |
# *** Power Setting | |
PoE_Power_Required | reboot |
# *** Call Feature Settings | |
Auto_Ans_Page_On_Active_Call[1] | none |
# *** Miscellaneous Line Key Settings | |
Call_Appearance_Per_Line | reboot |
Use_Remote_Pref_Codec[1] | none |
Codec_Negotiation[1] | none |
# *** Supplementary Services | |
Miss_Call_Banner | none |
Parameter | Remote Provisioning |
# *** Inventory Settings | |
Asset_ID | reboot |
# *** Configuration Profile | |
Resync_At_Random_Delay | none |
# *** SIP Parameters | |
Keep_Referee_When_REFER_Failed | none |
Display_Diversion_Info | none |
# *** Call Feature Settings | |
Broadsoft_ACD[1] | none |
Feature_Key_Sync[1] | reboot |
# *** Proxy and Registration | |
Alternate_Proxy[1] | reboot |
Alternate_Outbound_Proxy[1] | reboot |
Dual_Registration[1] | reboot |
# *** Subscriber Information | |
Reversed_Auth_Realm[1] | reboot |
# *** Audio Volume | |
Handset_Version | none |
# *** Call Progress Tones | |
Call_Pickup_Tone | none |
# *** General | |
Call_Pickup_Audio_Notification | none |
There are no new options added to 7.4.9c
My understanding of the file you attached is that there are many reasons for the phoen to reboot if there was a change in configuration.
But why would the phone reboot if no change were made to the configuration file at all?
Hi Oren,
Thanks for reading my document. The most common reason could be due to the phone's DHCP lease not being renewed and expiring, resulting in the phone getting a new IP address.
If the phone is being automatically provisioned, the configuration file would not change, but one of the parameters specified in the configuration file may change on the phone after being resynched to the server. This could also result in a reboot.
Thanks for your quick reply.
My DHCP server does not change IP addresses every 5 minutes, not even every 60 minutes.
Also, we do not change anything in the configuration file.
If something else is changing the file, then I do not know what is it.
I find it amazing that Cisco did not provide a solution for this bug for years. I saw other threads dealng with the same issue, with no solution to the problem.
It is obvious to me that such a big file with so many parameters will be impossible to debug until they eliminate many of the options to simplify the file.
The SPA devices support many provisionable parameters. The SPA devices have sane defaults. This means that the device works from a factory default, the *only* parameters that need provisioning or changing, are parameters unique to your deployment.
Please read the
https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-13031, specifically steps 2, 3, and 4, which provide a description on how to build a minimal configuration file that properly configures your device and does not result in unwanted reboots. Although I wrote this doc for phones, it's applicable for any SPA device.
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