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Jane Faraola
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You can view subscription details, assign subscriptions, assign custom video addresses to users who don’t have one, and change the user or device to which a subscription is assigned.

View all your subscriptions

  1. Sign in to the Cisco WebEx Telepresence portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. (Optional) Click any column header that displays or to sort the display by that column in ascending or descending order. Click the header again to sort the display in the reverse order.

View detailed information about a subscription

You can view details about a subscription including name and video address, subscription type, activation information, and status.

For bridges, subscription information includes the audio-only dial-in conference number. If a subscription includes the VoIP out feature, that information is displayed also.

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click a subscription name.

    In the Status column, a green icon indicates an active subscription, and a gray icon indicates an inactive subscription. Click an inactive subscription name to view the activation information.

Assign an unassigned subscription to a user, room, or bridge

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click Assign in the left column for any unassigned subscription.
  4. Follow the steps in WebEx Telepresence portal: Assign subscriptions to users, rooms, or bridges to assign the subscription.

Edit subscription details

You can change the name of the user, room, or bridge associated with a subscription so that it appears differently in your company directory; modify a subscription’s video address; or switch a subscription assignment between a user and a room.

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click a subscription name.
  4. Click Edit Subscription.

    You can also access the edit subscription details screen by clicking the name of the user, room, or bridge assigned to the subscription in your company directory and then clicking Edit subscription (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Manage your company directory).

  5. Do any of the following:
    • To switch the subscription between a user and a room: Select User or Room and enter the correct information.
    • To change the name that appears in the company directory: Click in a name field and enter the new name. 
      You can change the name of an existing user if that person changes his or her name. You can also enter a different user’s name to transfer the subscription to that user. In either case, the name you enter here now appears in the company directory for this subscription.

    • To edit an existing custom video address: Click Edit to the right of the existing video address. Enter the new video address. (Optional) Click Check availability to confirm that the video address is not already being used. Click Add
      You cannot edit the video address for a Jabber Video Plus subscription that has been assigned to a user. The user creates his video address during end user account setup, and it is always in the form of [Jabber Video username]

    • To add a custom video address for an existing assigned video address: Click Customize to the right of the existing assigned video address. Enter the custom video address. (Optional) Click Check availability to confirm that the video address is not already being used. Click Add.
  6. Click Save.

Transfer a subscription to a different device: Premium subscription

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click a subscription name.
  4. Click Transfer subscription to a new device.
  5. Click Transfer on the alert screen.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To activate the user’s device yourself: Note the device activation information from the subscription details screen. On the user’s device, enter the activation information. See the device documentation for specific activation instructions.
    • To have the user complete activation him- or herself: Click Send to user to generate an email message containing the subscription activation information. Send the email to the user associated with the new device.

Reassign a subscription to a different user: Jabber Video subscription

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click a subscription name.
  4. Click Edit subscription.
  5. Enter the new user's first name, last name, and email address.
  6. The user receives an email message containing the Jabber Video download link. The user must uninstall any installed versions of Jabber Video before downloading the new version of the application. 
    The previous user will no longer be able to log in to the Jabber Video account.

Assign a custom video address to a user who does not have one

  1. Sign in to the portal if you are not already signed in (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Sign in to the portal).
  2. Click Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Click Customize in the Video address column for any user who does not have a custom video address, and do the following:
    • Enter the custom video address.
    • Click Check Availability to see if the video address is already being used.
    • Click Add.
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