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Problem with 3750X

Sergey Prishchepa


Reboots the switch WS-C3750X-24S (ios 15.2(1)E2) in the stack and I do not understand why.

In the log I see a lot the following:

189258: 182281: 010883: Mar 9 09:13:17: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 40432 bytes failed from 0x2B7B374, alignment 0 (SWITCH-2)
189259: Pool: Processor   Free: 108756 Cause: Memory fragmentation (SWITCH-2)
189260: Alternate Pool: None   Free: 0 Cause: No Alternate pool (SWITCH-2)
189261: -Process= "HQM Stack Process", ipl= 0, pid= 197 (SWITCH-2)
189262: -Traceback= 67A0E0z 22FE124z 230611Cz 2F73958z 2B7B378z 2B4FD44z 2D94A9Cz 2D8EFD4z (SWITCH-2)
189263: **Panic**(HRPC) System unable to alloc memory (sz = 21712) for RPC 14:37 (SWITCH-2)
189264: (SWITCH-2)
189265: 182282: 010884: Mar   9 09:13:23: %SYS-2-CHUNKEXPANDFAIL: Could not expand chunk pool for hrpc frags. No memory available -Process= "Chunk Manager", ipl= 6, pid= 1 (SWITCH-2)
189266: -Traceback= 67A0E0z 22FB654z 2D94A9Cz 2D8EFD4z (SWITCH-2)

and a lot the following:

189659: 182431: Mar 9 09:20:55: %SNMP-3-INPUT_QFULL_ERR: Packet dropped due to input
189660: queue full

and then:

207419: 190972: Mar 9 10:14:34: %STACKMGR-4-SWITCH_REMOVED: Switch 2 has been REMOVED from the stack

After reboots the switch all work fine. Maybe it`s the memory switch bad?

3 Replies 3

Level 4
Level 4

It's possible the switches don't really have enough memory for the release of IOS you have installed, or feature set enabled.  Cisco has published recommended minimum flash and ram; and sometimes a newer release requires more memory for features (ipv6, ACL's, large routing tables, etc.), plus ongoing allocation of packet buffers.  "sh mem" gives you an idea of what's used (not sure if it reports on all stack members, though).

Mark Malone
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


I would upgrade the IOS see if it goes could be a bug

Memory Issues

Memory Exhaustion

When you work with Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches, you may receive the %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL messages due to a memory leak or fragmentation issue. This message indicates that the process is unable to find a large enough block of contiguous memory. The IP input process attempts to get 1028 bytes from the processor pool of memory, as shown in this example:

%SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 1028 bytes failed from 0x601617A4, 
pool Processor, alignment 0 -Process= "IP Input", ipl= 2, pid= 21

The probable causes for these error messages are:

  • Normal Memory Utilization

  • Memory Leaks

  • Memory Fragmentation

Commonly, MALLOCFAIL errors are caused by a security issue, such as a worm or virus that operates in your network. This is especially likely to be the cause if there have not been recent changes to the network, such as a switch IOS upgrade. Usually, a configuration change, such as adding additional lines to your access lists can mitigate the effects of this problem. The Cisco Security Advisories and Notices page contains information on detection of the most likely causes and specific workarounds.

If the %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL messages are logged, perform these steps:

@Sergey PrishchepaHello! Did you manage to solve a problem? What version of ios was when problem appeared?

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