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Cisco Meeting Server CMS web interface continuously showing "Reconnecting"

Level 1
Level 1

I am attempting to setup and test a Cisco Meeting Server CMS.  I am having a problem trying to get into the web interface, which is continuously showing "Reconnecting".  I have tried both versions 2.0.3 and 2.0.7. The install and initial configuration go smoothly, however, when I get to the web portion, I never make it to the login screen, I only get the "Reconnecting".  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Can someone please help?

Thank you

23 Replies 23

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Can you post the output of webadmin from that server?

Is this a single server or split?



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Hello Jaime,

Thank you for your quick, response.  Hopefully this is easily solve-able.

I am running a Single Server, and here is the output of webadmin:

login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password:
Failed logins since last successful login 0
Last login 2017-Jan-26 22:26:58 using SSH remote host
acano> webadmin
Enabled                 : true
TLS listening interface : a
TLS listening port      : 443
Key file                : webadmin.key
Certificate file        : webadmin.crt
HTTP redirect           : Disabled
STATUS                  : webadmin running

OK, since this is a single server, post the output of webbridge please



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Thanks again for the quick reply.  Please forgive me as this is the first time I have worked with the Cisco CMS.  I have a lot of experience with CUCM, TMS, Routers, Switches, and Collaboration Endpoints, but this is a new adventure for me.

In regards to the webbridge, I have not configured it yet.  I have looked over the deployment guides and a couple of blog posts, and concluded that to access the admin web interface, I did not have to configure the webbridge yet.  I was trying to get to the admin web page first and then later complete the remaining configurations. 

Does the webbridge have to be configured before the admin webpage can be accessed?  I thought the webbridge was for webrtc, and not required to first access the admin webpage.

Here is the output of the webbridge:

login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Please enter password:
Failed logins since last successful login 0
Last login 2017-Jan-26 22:34:17 using SSH remote host
acano> webbridge
No webbridge config

Thanks again

No worries, CMS is quite different when it comes to the config, had the same feeling when I had to configure one.

No, it's not required for web admin, however, by default, both try to use port 443. Thought that might have been the case, in any case, you might want to stop the webadmin service, and point to another port. Not a problem if you use split, but for single server, you need to change the port for webadmin.

Make sure you're using https and trying the new port you configure, that might do the trick.

I have 2.0.6 in my lab, and have no problems, before I had 2.0.2 and 2.0.3, also no problems



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I greatly appreciate your replies and help, but I still have the same results.  I have a webpage with "Cisco" and "Reconnecting please wait"

Do you have any more ideas?

Thanks again.

You might want to open a TAC for that, I did a quick search for that error, and nothing came up, are you running on supported HW? and was the server deployed with the Cisco OVA, and not modified in any way?

Those are the only other things I can think of.

What's the URL you're using??



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Thanks again,

Yes I am using a Cisco OVA, and its not modified.  The url that I am using is the IP address with the port number:

These last attempts for this support forum question, was done using Cisco CMS 2.0.3.  I am going to switch back to 2.0.7 and try these steps of changing the HTTPS port to 445, and see if my results are any different.

If you have any other suggestions besides opening a TAC case, I am interested in hearing those as well.  TAC is good, but I usually try to solve the problems before opening tickets.  Anyways, I greatly appreciate your assistance.

Thanks again.

In you're earlier post, the output from the MMP says webadmin is set to use port 443, but in your most recent reply just now, you say you're using port 445. Confirm the port you have configured in the MMP for webadmin and use it when trying to access the web interface. 

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for your post.  Yes earlier I was using port 443, but then at Jaime's suggestion, and at a recommendation I read, I changed the port from 443 to port 445.  However, I am still getting the "Reconnecting" message.  Do you have any ideas or suggestions that have not been mentioned yet?  I am going to try Jaime's suggestion about the certificate, but beyond that, I am out of ideas.

Thanks again.

I've been following the discussion, but like Jaime, I do not know.  I just stood up two Meeting Servers this month, had no issues accessing the Web Admin interface once I configured it via the MMP. 

Same here, been working in the lab with a few CMS, single and split, and never had a similar issue, and never heard of anything similar. Deployed a few Acano servers while training, no problems either.

Not sure if maybe there's some sort of network problem that might cause that (or something in the machine you're using), or maybe some corruption in the VM's HDD after the install.

Have you tried different browsers?

Why don't you try deleting that VM and trying with a new install?

If it still doesn't work, then you definitely want to call TAC.



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Have you tried with the CN from the certificate you're using for webadmin?



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Thank you, I will give it a try later today, and let you know.

Thanks again