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Cisco_Support_Community_Hall_of_Fame_large.pngWhat is the Cisco Support Hall of Fame?

The Cisco Support Community has been in existence since 2000. Over that long history, there are certain members who have gone above and beyond in assisting their peers. These very elite members have been an invaluable part of Support Community’s growth and health. For this small group, we have created the Support Community Hall of Fame. Unlike the annual Cisco Designated VIP award, the Hall of Fame designation is a lifetime achievement award based on significant overall achievements in the community.  It is not specific to any particular technology category and does not need to be earned again. It will remain with the member for the rest of their active involvement in the Support Community for so long as Support Community exists. We encourage you to seek out these members, and to visit the Hall of Fame homepage in Support Community.

Who is eligible to be a Hall of Fame member?

Hall of Fame membership is restricted to those that Cisco deems to be the very top members of the Support Community.  Because this award is for overall achievement, Cisco employees are also eligible for consideration. A team of Support Community managers and current Hall of Famers select these members. You must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for membership.

How long does the Hall of Fame membership last?

Membership is indefinite, once you are elected to the Hall of Fame you remain in the Hall of Fame as long as you are active in the Support Community for so long as the Support Community exists.

When are Hall of Fame designations awarded?

Inductions will coincide with the Cisco Designated VIP inductions. Cisco reserves the right to induct members into the Support Community Hall of Fame at other times as deemed necessary. Because of the elite nature of this award, there may not be any new inductees in each calendar year.

What does Cisco expect from its Hall of Fame members?

Support Community Hall of Famers have already exceeded our expectations.  We only ask that you continue to be a positive influence on the community.

Who can I contact if I have more questions about the Hall of Fame Program?

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Support Community Designated VIP Program, please contact us at

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