Dear Experts,
I have a XML string which is result of one of the previous task. XML string looks like below.
$o = "<?xml version='1.0'?><Objects><Object Type='System.Boolean'>True</Object></Objects>"
and I am using
Select-Xml -Content $o -XPath '//Object' | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML};
to extract the object value out of it. I tested it from native PowerShell and it works as expected but when I run it using PSAgent, I get the error and problem I see is that director/PSAgent will replace double quotes with single and then codes are broken.
Question is, is there any way masking/tagging using which this behavior can be changed?
Any response in this regard is greatly appriciated.
PS: i am aware about parse XML output task but that has its own problem and i would like to solve it whitin powershell to avoid adding additional tasks.