Workflow Name:
This workflow provisions a new VLAN and VM Port Profile/Port Group on Vblock 3xx/7xx converged stack.
Compatible UCS Director Versions:
UCS Director 5.0.x
Virtualization, Compute, and Network
Cisco UCS Director
VCE Vblock 3xx/7xx
- The Vblock 3xx/7xx Infrastructure components (VMware vCenter, Cisco UCSM, Cisco Nexus 5K Switches, and Cisco Nexus 1000v) are configured as per Vblock design and added into UCS Director
- UCS vNIC Templates & Service Profile Templates are pre-defined/configured. Please refer UCS Director documentation for 'How to manage UCS Servers'
Workflow Tasks Included:
- Add VLAN (UCS)
- Create VLAN (Nexus 5K)
- Create VLAN (Nexus 5K)
- Update Trunk (Nexus 5K)
- Update Trunk (Nexus 5K)
- Create VLAN (Nexus 1Kv)
- Update Port Profile (Nexus 1Kv)
- Create Port Profile (Nexus 1Kv)
User Inputs:
The below user inputs should be provided by user after executing the workflow.
User Inputs | User Input Description |
VLAN_NAME | Enter VLAN Name |
VM_PORT_PROFILE_NAME | Enter VM Port Profile Name |
Admin Inputs:
The Admin Input values are pre-defined in the workflow by the admin user. Edit the Workflow properties, go to user inputs section and modify the below inputs appropriately.
User Inputs | User Input Description |
NEXUS_5K_A | Select Nexus 5K Switch A |
NEXUS_5K_A_PORT_CHANNELS | Select Nexus 5K Switch-A Port Channels (Note: If you see a blank Network Interface report, please close the Workflow properties and try again.)
NEXUS_5K_B | Select Nexus 5K Switch B |
NEXUS_5K_B_PORT_CHANNELS | Select Nexus 5K Switch-B Port Channels (Note: If you see a blank Network Interface report, please close the Workflow properties and try again.)
NEXUS_1K_V | Select Nexus 1000v Switch |
NEXUS_1KV_UP_LINK_PORT_PROFILE | Select Nexus 1000v Uplink Port Profile |
NEXUS_1KV_PORT_PROFILE_TYPE | Select Nexus 1Kv Port Profile Type as Vethernet |
Workflow Additional Configuration:
After configuring the admin inputs, open the workflow using workflow designer and modify the below "TASKS" with appropriate user inputs. (Note: In upcoming versions, the below inputs should be able to configured as admin input values as well).
- Add VLAN (Create a New VLAN on UCSM): Open the Task ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Next' ---> Select 'UCSM Account' from drop down' ---> Click on 'Revalidate' button on top ---> Select 'Organization Name' ---> Select 'Service Profile Templates' or 'vNIC Templates' or both ---> Click 'Next' ---> Click 'Submit'
Instructions for use:
- Download the attached .ZIP file below to your computer. *Remember the location of the saved file on your computer.
- Unzip the file on your computer. Should end up with a .WFDX file.
- Log in to UCS Director as a user that has "system-admin" privileges.
- Navigate to "Policies-->Orchestration" and click on "Import".
- Click "Browse" and navigate to the location on your computer where the .WFDX file resides. Choose the .WFDX file and click "Open".
- Click "Upload" and then "OK" once the file upload is completed, Select 'Add_VLAN_to_Vblock_Stack' and Then click "Next".
- Click "Submit".
- A new folder called 'Vblock-3XX-Validated or Vblock-7XX-Validated' should appear in "Policies-->Orchestration" that contains the imported workflow. You will now need to update the included tasks with information about the specific environment. (See Above)