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Orf Gelbrich
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Bare Metal EASY Install


1) Network setup of UCS-D and BMA

  UCS-D Front: (VM Network)

  UCS-D Back: (VM Provision Net)

  BMA Front (Vm Provision Net)

2) Cleaning instructions If there is a previous BMA setup on UCS-D

  Step 1) Enable root access on UCS Director (Option 22)

  Step 2) Login as root (Option 23)

  Step 3) Execute "sudo /opt/scripts/” !!! Warning, this will delete all entries for any BMA servers you have !!

3) Import the BMA and IP in vCenter

4) ssh to the BMA (root/pxeboot) (Use UCS-D as jump server to get to BMA)

5) Setup dhcp

  cd /etc

  cat dhcpd.conf

  cp dhcpd.conf.sample dhcpd.conf

  vi dhcpd.conf  (fix up for your env)


  2 lines are missing here….they are in the sample

  subnet  netmask {

          option routers        ;

          option subnet-mask    ;

          option nis-domain               "ciscodemo.local";

          option domain-name              "ciscodemo.local";

          option domain-name-servers;

          option time-offset              -18000; # Eastern Standard Time

          range dynamic-bootp;

          default-lease-time 21600;

          max-lease-time 43200;

          allow booting;

          allow bootp;

          next-server; # IP of my PXE server

          filename "/pxelinux.0";


  /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart

6) Set up BMA -> UCSD

  ping (ping the UCSD)

  cd /opt/infra


  ./ (IP of UCSD) (Multi node this is the IP of the Inventory DB)


7) Enable UCSD -> BMA

  ssh shelladmin@ (UCSD) (changeme)

  16) Enable Database for BMA (enter IP of BMA (

  on multi node this needs to be enabled and configured on the Inventory DB server!

8) BMA

  cd /opt/infra



9) Check UCSD

  administration -> Physical Accounts -> Network Services Agents

10) UCS-D (ASCII shell prompt)

  17) Add BMA Hostname/IP BMA

11) BMA

  vi /etc/hosts BMA UCSD

12) Update (BMA)

  vi /opt/infra/networkServices/ with proper PXE and MGT IP's

  Make sure this is between -Dpxe.tftpd.enable=on and -cp

  -DpxeServer.ip= -DpxeServer.mgmt_vlan_ip=

13) start httpd (BMA)

  service httpd start

  chkconfig --list | grep dhcp

  chkconfig --list | grep http

  chkconfig --level 345 httpd on

  chkconfig --level 345 dhcpd on

14) BMA

  cd /opt/infra



Test PXE Setup


Create empty VM on PXE boot network


Grab MAC address from a sample VM (make sure vm is on the right network)

In UCSD go to

  Physical -> Compute -> PXE boot requests

  Set up the PXE boot request with above MAC address

  Select Setup PXE request

  The MAC address should show up a file in this directory

  cd /opt/cnsaroot/pxelinux.cfg

  ls -ltr

  [root@localhost pxelinux.cfg]# ls -ltr

  total 16

  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 315 Feb 28  2011 01-d4-85-64-51-68-bc

  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 315 Feb 28  2011 01-00-24-81-8a-46-0e.backup

  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 596 Mar  1  2011 01-00-24-81-8a-46-0eoutput

  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 914 Jun  7 18:43 01-00-50-56-a5-38-58

  [root@localhost pxelinux.cfg]#

  Boot the VM in vCenter

  Possible problems with

  /opt/cnsaroot/web/ks-repository/{this number changes}/ks.cfg

/optTop level ‘BMA’ directory folder
/opt/infraBMA infrastructure that has required start/stop scripts along with required Infrastructure, Properties for ‘CNSA’ runtime.

/opt/cnsarootTop level directory that has important ‘PXE’ related file(s) and subdirectories.

/opt/cnsaroot/pxelinux.cfg PXE configuration folder where configuration will be instantiated.

/opt/cnsaroot/templatesThis directory contains configuration file along with kick start file(s) that are required for bare metal to do PXE booting.

/opt/cnsaroot/imagesThis directory contains images of respective hypervisors that will be for installation over bare metal during PXE booting (e.g..esxi41_u1 directory contains PXE image for esx4i, etc.).

Trouble shooting (Thank you Davide PIZZA)

Discovered that the problem was not related to connection problems, in fact I had this as security warning and it was impossible to execute the script notify.ps1


tried all the possible modification of policies and even the Unblock-file cmdlets: nothing to do: the security warning appeared at each execution.

The solution was to move the notify.ps1 script into the C:\ volume (adding a command into the completed.bat file) and then it has been possible to bypass this security warning.

Hope this can help somebody.

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