This workflow checks for the existents of a given VLAN ID on a UCSM system .
UCSM is connected to UCSD
Compatible UCS Director Versions
UCSD (tested)
vSphere 5.x
Instructions for Use:
Download the attached .ZIP file to your computer. Note: Remember the location of the saved file on your computer.
Unzip the file on your computer. The unzipped file ends up with an extension .WFDX file.
Log in to UCS Director as a user that has the system admin privileges.
Choose Policies > Orchestration, and then click the Custom Workflow Tasks tab.
Click Import Tasks.
In the Import Tasks dialog box, click Browse and choose the downloaded file for upload. Click Upload. A successful file upload message appears.
Click OK.
Click Next.
The Save Tasks window displays the task exported time, task exported username, and comments provided when the task is exported. The imported task details appear in a table format.
Check the Overwrite if the task exists with same name check box to overwrite the existing task with the imported task.
If this check box is unchecked, a new task will be added with a number (n) to make the name unique.
Click Import.
The custom workflow task is imported and is immediately available for use in the workflow.
Add the imported workflow task to the workflow. For more information see the Adding Tasks to a Workflow section in the Cisco UCS Director Orchestration Guide, Release 4.1
Click Submit.
Click the workflow, the workflow designer opens.
In the workflow designer window, click the Execute Now button.
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