If you are new to our Cisco Data Center & Cloud - Google+ Page, you might find this post to be helpful. We host monthly hangouts, or UCS Tech Talk Series, to help you better understand our products. Google+ Hangout on Air (HOA) are scheduled live streamed webcast that are viewable for anyone on Google + and YouTube. You may find the past hangouts recordings on http://communities.cisco.com/ucs, under "UCS Tech Talk Series." (Screen shot below)

The recordings are also available on our G+ event page. https://plus.google.com/114381144808300038585/videos?hl=en-GB&partnerid=gplp0

If you like what you see, please "follow" and circle us to get real time updates!

For more information about how to join our future hangouts as a viewer or a guest (presenter), please check out our SlideShare: How to join Cisco’s Google Plus Hangout on Air

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact ryao@cisco.com