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Member since ‎11-02-2021

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Hello,I would like information on the C9200-24P-E range of switches.I would like to order some. With the essentials license, can these switches do default routing? "ip routing" for inter-vlan routing? Can I create svi? How many? Can I add static rout...
Good morning,on a pair of asa which is used for ssl vpn, I activated thread detectionthreat-detection service invalid-vpn-accessthreat-detection service remote-access-authentication hold-down 10 threshold 20threat-detection service remote-access-clie...
Hello,on a Cisco ASA, I have to reactivate an SSL VPN to allow remote workers to connect.Hello,on a Cisco ASA, I have to reactivate an SSL VPN to allow remote workers to connect. Radius authentication is used ( and work). The asa contacts the radius ...
Hello,For a few days, since my internal link with a firewall and a proxy, I can no longer go to this institutional site:https://portail.dgfip.finances.gouv.fr/ I tested from other links, an external wifi, and I even tested by connecting directly to t...
Hello, I want to create an extended ACL on an L3 switch. And apply this acl to vlans (SVI).For telephony over a SIP trunk.I have vlan 93, Our internal SBC VMs (avaya) are on this vlan.The switch port that is connected to the SIP ISP ro...
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Member Since ‎11-02-2021 05:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-26-2024 06:04 AM
Posts 92
Total Helpful Votes Received 13
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