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Member since ‎07-26-2022

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Someone I'm working with has a new Catalyst 9500 switch. On it he has the following config: boot system bootflash:packages.confboot system usbflash0:cat9k_iosxe.17.09.05.SPA.bin!ip dhcp-server dhcp-server dhcp relay informat...
Hello all. Thank you in advance for your help.  When redistributing from BGP into OSPF is it possible to use a route map in the "redistribute" command with the "set metric" option? I'm trying to redistribute from BGP into OSPF, making them external t...
I've installed DNA Center Virtual in AWS and I can sign into the GUI but I can't sign into the console. I've tried every iteration of default username and passwords. admin, maglev, password, cisco, maglev1@3 . Does anyone know how to sign into the CL...
Do Catalyst 9200 or 9300 switches require Cisco DNA or Prime to manage their licenses or can I license them from their CLI? Is it possible to just buy a pair of Cat 9200s and set them up in a network without buying anything else? Thank you in advance...
Can one peer-link and keepalive link set be used for multiple, different VPCs? For instance, let's say i have 2 Nexus Core switches. I also have 3 nexus leaf switches and a Catalyst 8300 that will be an edge device. I want all 4 leaf/edge devices to ...
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Member Since ‎07-26-2022 09:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-24-2024 11:21 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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