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Level 1
Member since ‎01-12-2023

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  • 40 Posts
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  • 9 Helpful votes Given
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I am interested in monitoring the total power consumption of the 700+ switches in our network.We have over 1500 APs plus the usual assortment of IP phones and other things running over PoE.The idea is that I can get a baseline for the overall consump...
Currently we run a 9800WLC in our data centre which controls AP's across 45 sites give or take.(This is configured through Catalyst Center btw)Guest network is central switched, central auth with ISE doing the guest portal.Another SSID is central aut...
In Catalyst Center (CC) on, when I create an AI RF profile, it has all 5GHz channels selected.In Australia, we have channels we flat out cannot use, such as 120, 124 and 128 as well as others than can only be used if the AP has DFS enabled, b...
This might be more of a complaint than a question...But I have a switch that I PnP onboarded. I assigned to a site and provisioned the switch. Then I realised I assigned it to the wrong site.I deleted the switch from inventory, and readded it to the ...
We have a 9200 still on 16.11.1 that we finally have an outage window on to upgrade to 17.12.3.It is currently in Bundle mode, and for obvious reasons we want to go to Install mode.I cannot find any information anywhere if Catalyst Center will automa...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-12-2023 08:23 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-24-2024 10:15 PM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 7