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Member since ‎03-08-2023

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Hi, Based on picture above, assuming that's cisco SD-WAN in DC. How cisco SD-WAN in DC serve the traffic from sd-wan branch? Will both device in DC be active-active? or only one will serve the traffic from branch? If the answer is active-active, how...
Hi, Can I deploy firewall clustering in case of cisco ACI multisite with layer 2 connectivity with Flooding (BUM Forwarding)? Because I read a document that we can apply cisco ACI multisite with layer 2 connectivity with Flooding for application clus...
HI, Can I disable and enable BUM forwarding per bridge domain in case of ACI Multipod? I have known that I can apply this in case of Multisite layer 2 connectivity. one advantage offered by the Multi-Site design with this configuration is the capabil...
Hi, Basically this is simple question. But, I'm still confused even I have read document cisco ACI multisite whitepaper. Basically, ACI use MP BGP EVPN (between spines) to build underlay between sites. Hence, it is needed to configure OSPF and BGP b...
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Member Since ‎03-08-2023 03:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-18-2024 08:39 PM
Posts 15
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