Hello everyone
i need to monitor something like 200 cisco switches (some 2960-x) and i want to know what SNMP solution would you use ?
i think of Cacti or Zabbix what do you think about it ?
thanks in advance
i have an AIR-AP2802I-E-K9 in autonomous mode and i can't configure it when i connect into the web interface i see 0 acces point when i go in the access point with putty i cant go in the CLI im block in "Cisco Controller" i just want to Configure my ...
i need some help. i have an AIR-AP2802I-E-K9 which is in a lightweight configuration and i need to switch it to autonomous, how can i do it? i already have a TFTP server and the firmaware to do it but i dont have the process.thanks you in advance !