Unfortunately at this time, OpenDNS is not able to provide content filtering to users who have configured our IPv6 DNS servers on their router or their computers
Can you try updating your router/application to send updates to updates.dnsomatic.com using port 443 ( https://updates.dnsomatic.com )? We no longer allow updates to this service using port 80.
In addition, there are a few characters that c...
If you are a OpenDNS client you can add the domain to your Always Allow list as per: https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/227988127-Getting-started-About-using-OpenDNS#Configuring_Content_Filtering_Settings
Remember to just enter in t...
It appears that the device that ran the diagnostic has an IP address of ( However this IP address is not currently registered with OpenDNS. The OpenDNS filtering will only apply to networks registered with OpenDNS.
If your IP address is ...