Dear All,
i'm going to configure cisco aaa authentication with dot1x and mab on window server NPS on server 2022, may i ask is below documentation look correct ? as i read the article is talking about logging in to the cisco switch wit...
Dear All, I have a question would like to ask regarding on the roaming parameter -dBM adjustment, in WLC 9800L where i can adjust this parameter to -67 dBM ? any help would be appreciated Keith
Dear All,
I have a question would like to ask as currently we have 2 WLC in our office running HA, and these WLC were inherited from regional WLC via the sdwan link, i have a question that if the SDwan broken down, which mean both WLC c...
Dear All, I found an issue below, some vpn users having trouble to connect to Cisco AnyConnect, its stuck in the following, the AnyConnect version is 4.10.07073, any help would be appreicated Keith
Dear All, I recently deploying cisco aaa dot1x and mab with window server NPS, and in the cisco switch i could authenticate with usintg "aaa test group" successfully, and in the NPS event log i could see the its success, but when it comes to "sh au...