Maren Mahoney
Member since ‎12-20-2007

User Statistics

  • 2430 Posts
  • 259 Solutions
  • 3103 Helpful votes Given
  • 3508 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

My client is using HTTPS to access the phones' web pages. The ability to get to the web page via HTTP has been disabled. I can access the CUCM 14 server itself directly using a web browser without going through the "Advanced/Proceed" business when th...
I'm doing some troubleshooting and I can't figure out what the "gci" parameter in the "Call-Info" header field is for. I came up empty looking at RFCs (although it's probably in there...). Does anyone know what this parameter is for? Examples from SI...
The following SQL Command will purge voicemails out of CUC for a single user's ('vmuser1' in the below) voicemail box between specified dates: run cuc dbquery unitymbxdb1 update tbl_FolderItem set deleted = 1 where arrivaltime between '2023-01-01 06:...
I freaking give up. I've installed Java. I've installed in compatibility mode. I've installed from the command line with the -gui switch. No joy. It gets to "Choose Java Virtual Machine" and spins and spins and spins. Does anyone have the secret sauc...
I have a situation where all calls going out a specific SIP trunk are having all caller ID masked as 703XXXXXXXXXX. (Not happening on other trunks.) It is not an External Phone Number Mask.It is not a translation pattern, or a field on the Route Patt...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-20-2007 07:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-20-2024 07:47 AM
Posts 2,430
Total Helpful Votes Received 3439
Cisco Designated VIPs
2019 IP Telephony
Cisco Designated VIPs
2020 IP Telephony
Cisco Designated VIPs
2022 IP Telephony, Unified Communications
Cisco Designated VIPs
2023 IP Telephony, Unified Communications
Cisco Designated VIPs
2024 IP Telephony, Unified Communications
Community Spotlight Award
English Community Member's Choice, September 2021
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Event Top Contributor