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Member since ‎07-07-2015

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I have two issues with DNAC1. Sync between WLC and DNAC i slow and there is no way to manually force sync. To be more specific: when i migrate APs to a 9800-80 (from a old 8540 WLC) and try to provision them i DNAC - i am unable to provision because ...
When go to device 360 for an AP and click the Intelligent Capture buttom, there is no data there. And there is a warning icon "gRPC link is not ready (shutdown)". From the WLC gui (Monitor - Intelligent Capture) I can see that the state is active.
HI,From what i read her*, this access point cannot run on AIreOS software? Is this currect?*
How can I turn off the AVC functionality in FMC? If I go to Overview - Dashbard, I see that FMC is collection information which Applications users are usiing (TOP WEB application, TOP client Application seen etc.). We dont to collect this kind of inf...
We have Firepower 2110 running 6.7 i HA managed by FMC. Anyconnect client profile have been added to the current group policy, but new users who have not installed anyconnect before will not get the profile downloaded before after they have been conn...
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Member Since ‎07-07-2015 02:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-23-2024 07:37 AM
Posts 69
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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