I have a 6509E with supervisor32 modules currently running3223-ipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXI5.binWent to the Cisco Feature Navigation and believe I can go to 3223-ipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXI12.binWas wondering if I am correct?...
Currently running IPSec VPN with client software will be end of life July 2014The VPN concentrator isASA 5520-k8 software version 8.2(5)41What IPSe client do I need to migrate to?
We are currently running a ACS 1113 with version 4.2 software. We are going to replace the 1113 ACS with two 1121 ACS. Is there any documentation on how to do this?
Thanks I did not notice before that7 drwx 512 Feb 28 1993 18:09:26 -06:00 c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE3was a sub directory and not a file. The drwx should have been a clue