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Level 1
Member since ‎11-26-2012

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  • 10 Posts
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Hi, I am helping a non profit organization with their RV345. In the past we've purchased the web filter license from Provantage, apparently they no longer provide it. Have also checked with CDW and Google'd and we're not finding any resource.Has anyo...
I have added clients in my dropdown using the /Profiles XML entries to fill the dropdown, it has worked well. Two questions: I have one client who has a / (forward slash) name in their entry.     ie. can I add the forward sla...
Hi, we have a somewhat dead ISA570.  We hook it up and we cannot get it to connect as before to our ISP. We've tried reloading old functional configs, doing factory resets, nothing seems to fix it. So we have a RV345 on order and an RV320 on order ...
Hi, I am assisting a Non-Profit organization that has a ISA500 and a SG300-10, both working fine. They have a simple setup on the ISA500 with an internal company ports and several Guest ports forGuest PC's and OpenMesh wifi connections.  It is using ...
Hi, I'm helping out a non profit that has a Mediacom 100mbs link, they get 90+ Speed connected directly to the cable modem, but anywhere past the ISA570 they only get 50-60mbs. They have switched cables, added a separate port, tried different PCs, r...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-26-2012 07:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-04-2024 07:48 PM
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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