1. Download and Install Python Scripting Tool from http://www.ciscounitytools.com/Applications/CxN/PythonScriptingHost/PythonScriptingHost.html2. To Connect to Unity Connection, please keep this verified: a. A user without mailbox with Remote Adm...
Jason,Here is a doc that explains how to perform this operation:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/connection/8x/user_mac/guide/8xcucmac105.html#wp1074612RegardsSolomon
hello thereWhen a voicemail is left by an external caller, it is delivered to the recipient by unityconnection@.For example: If kolacorpcuc is the SMTP domain of the Unity connection server and the recipient is luffy. When an external caller leave...
Nki,Have you tried doing a AD/GC resynch?You can do a resync by clicking on force reconnect for AD and GC from DC/GC Reconnect settings tool.Alternatively, you can do a restart of the AvDSAD and AvGlobalCatalog services to do a resynch.HTHSol
Hi Steve,When a voicemail is left by an external caller, it is delivered to the recipient by unityconnection@.For example: If kolacorpcuc is the SMTP domain of the Unity connection server and the recipient is luffy. When an external caller leaves a v...