Rajat Chauhan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎10-21-2004

User Statistics

  • 57 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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  • 48 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

In simple terms, 'Route Churn' is defined as the 'rate of change of prefixes'. Different XR versions across 4.x to 7.x have differing behavior & support for the BGP churn handling and some enhancements made from 6.5.3 onwards (listed in appendix) ma...
A non-exhaustive list to serve as a Best Practices reference for Cisco customers before/while opening TAC Cases
Before setting up routers to sync with time sources Common Issues FAQsMiscelleneous Useful commands & debugs References  Before setting up routers to sync with time sources Check what kind of router/software version you are using: Certain lower end p...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-21-2004 05:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-20-2021 12:05 AM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 48