Level 5
Level 5
Member since ‎10-29-2001

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  • 789 Posts
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  • 131 Helpful votes Received
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Hi   We are having an issue with a new deployment of Umbrella Secure Client (Only Umbrella loaded) and Citrix VPN. When the client is enabled we are seeing 25-30%  more traffic going to the VPN IP. When the Secure Client is uninstalled it's gone, thi...
Hi,   I see the FBI warning the hackers are stealing session cookies and can use them to by pass creds and MFA when logging into a site. These cookies are usually the Remember this device or remember me session cookies. I wanted to know if Duo can be...
Hi,   In working with a client for the setup of ADFS with Duo MFA I had a question about where Duo's Policy takes over versus Microsoft ADFS policy in relation to Groups. In the setup docs it talks about Setting the ADFS Access Control Policy to set ...
Hi,   Wondering if anyone else has had this issue; We've used Sharefile with Duo for quite a while and it works great. Lately when I go to Sharefile, login is normal with domain creds, then MFA, all good. When I go back to Sharefile later in the day ...
Hi,   I am assisting a customer install Windows Login (RDP) and it works fine. They will use GPO to deploy it but have a lot of clients that do not sign into the domain. Is there a silent install that we can use for an RMM push that we can use for th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-29-2001 12:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-12-2024 12:12 AM
Posts 789
Total Helpful Votes Received 128
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