We are hoping to on-board a large number of systems into DNAC. Currently we use unique SNMP credentials per device. Rather than manually enter all of those credentials, I had hoped to pre-populate the credential table using post into /dna/intent/ap...
DNAC version'm using an USM object that works with the pysnmp library, so I have to translate some of the values to a format that DNAC can understand.new_cred = [ {'authPassword': user_data.authKey,'authType': credentials.auth_OID_to_D...
Not certain if you are still looking for this, but it was the first hit in my search engine, so thought it deserved a response. Some of the values can be found in the CISCO-BGP4-MIBCISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixesCISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeerAdver...
often this is a physical issue. UDP packets are often smaller than TCP segments. I'd look for duplex mismatch or other physical issues first, then check nat more carefully to see if you have asymmetric traffic or some backdoor route.
What if you are trying to pass someone some regex code, and jabber puts in a bunch of smilies instead of the text you wanted...
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Not precisely, but you can accomplish something very similar.The feature is called ip mobile arp, and is documented at http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios123/123cgcr/ipras_r/ip1_i2g.htm#wp1078546In older versions of IOS, the ...