Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎01-15-2008

User Statistics

  • 285 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 307 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi Everybody,I have successfully integrated the CUC with Office365.CUC is able to send the voicemail to my O365 email after leave the voicemailDomain: domain-A.comEmail: user1@domain-A.comHowever, if I changed the CUC > User > Unified Messaging Accou...
Hi everybody,I am trying to integrate the CUC with office 365, by following this guide, when I tried to validate the connection in CUC...
Hi everybody,  I am a newbie at wireless field, and currently using the AP9120/AP9130 with C9800 as WLC. After the wireless site survey with RF analysis tool 3 section were failed in the RF analysis report Desired Signal Coverage> Min. AP signal stre...
Hi When I configure CDR with CUCM and Windows based platform, there is no problemHowever, when I use the RedHat Linux as SFTP, the CUCM fails to export the CDR Is anybody know what is the problem here? Thanks in advanceSam
Hi Cisco TAC,We are using CUCM 11.5 su2, and would like to integate with VG400 for analog endpoint purposeAnd we found that CUCM11.5 su2, is unable to add new gateway via mgcp or sccp.Refer to CSR compatibility matrix
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-15-2008 11:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-27-2024 02:02 AM
Posts 285
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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