Juan Ibañez
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎12-27-2011

User Statistics

  • 104 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 155 Helpful votes Given
  • 30 Helpful votes Received

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I have a UCS C220M5 (Stealthwatch SMC 2210), this server are tear down of production, and i need reutilize this server to install a VMware ESXi to virtualices some small VM. When i try install VMware ESXi on this UCS, the BIOS send the follow message...
Tengo un UCS C220 M5 que formalmente es un SMC 2210(Stealthwatch), el cual se ha dado de baja. Quisiera saber si puedo tomar el UCS e instalar otro sistema operativo que no sea Stealthwatch, en este caso necesito instalar VMware para poder virtualiza...
I have a C9124AXE on Bridge Mode and it is a RAP. On the C9800 I configure the Mesh Profile, and Site Tag for their configuration.The other config that i set to the RAP is the static channel 157. For any reason when the RAP lost conectivity and then ...
Hi everyone, Please y need your help, in the Wireless Infraestructure haves a Cisco Prime v3.0 and this not load AP in Maps and when go to view a Buildong appears a message error " {"message":"java.lang.NullPointerException"}" restore the configura...
Hi guys,I have a WIFI platform with 7510 Flexconnect with many 3702i AP. I have 20 AP with DTLS_CLIENT_ERROR and my problem solving to re-associate this AP is to reload it. But this solution is not permanent, after a few days i need reload it.the WLc...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-27-2011 03:05 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-17-2024 02:48 AM
Posts 104
Total Helpful Votes Received 30