Aninda Chatterjee
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎01-23-2012

User Statistics

  • 145 Posts
  • 27 Solutions
  • 146 Helpful votes Given
  • 542 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Disclaimer: This post does not cover platform specific understanding/troubleshooting of Multicast. It covers IGMPv2 from a platform independent, technology point of view. I've always avoided Multicast like the Plague. There I was, one fine day, worki...
Good morning! Now that I am over the E3 2012 excitement (I wish I could rant about that here, but alas..), I finally found time to sit down and write some of what I am studying. Of course it's pretty basic stuff and I know that. It's just that I want...
A very good evening to all!There are times when the IOS on a switch may crash and (as a last resort) you need to use the painfully slow Xmodem transfer to save your life. I bought a 3550 a while back and that is precisely what happened with me. Witho...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-23-2012 11:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-17-2021 12:48 AM
Posts 145
Total Helpful Votes Received 542