Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎08-08-2012

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Introduction: This document is created for new beginner who wants to improve their CLI speed. Cisco IOS provides some abbreviation commands and shortcuts to speed user interaction, e.g.: user not need to type the entire command to have recognized by ...
Introduction: This document created by user discussion and observed user cases. Symptom: When user login to XR platform with Telnet/ssh to the router prints incomplete output and then hangs. It does not respond to "ENTER". It may respond to CTRL-C bu...
Introduction: This document explain "bgp match community" statement used in route-map. Communities are used as flags in order to mark a set of routes in BGP which Upstream routers can then use these flags to apply specific routing polices (for exampl...
Introduction: In this document you will be learning on "Configuring Session manager" feature of NX-Os. NX-OS allow several configuration commands to be executed in sequence as a batch in configuration session. Once you create such session, its sequen...
Introduction: This document is created from user discussion. Core Issue: When an AIM-IPS-K9 is installed, a router displayed following message as a part of its boot-up process. Cisco 3845 (revision 1.0) with 221184K/40960K bytes of memory. Process...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-08-2012 09:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-12-2017 10:35 PM
Posts 213
Total Helpful Votes Received 1303