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Member since ‎04-22-2004

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Hello,I have a Cisco 2651 router running 12.2x IOS. I get this error message in my log some times and at that time i cant reach the router at all-----------%SYS-3-CPUHOG: Task ran for 11507 msec (0/0), process = Load Meter, PC = 803F22E8.-Traceback= ...
Hello,I have a PIX 515E and it shows constantly high CPU usage and not sure which process exactly eats that.---------------- sh cpu usaCPU utilization for 5 seconds = 90%; 1 minute: 89%; 5 minutes: 84%--------------- I did show process-------------s...
Hello,I have a 1760 Router and whenever i checked the router CPU seems to be very high.When there is no traffic on that router, the CPU usage is litterly zero and that means some traffic that is doing this.When i issue a show proc cpu i get like thi...
Hello,One of my vendors has a cisco ASA5520 and we are trying to build a VPN tunnel between ASA 5520 and Nortel 4500 contivity box.It passes phase 1 and during phase 2 i get this error message----------3|Dec 06 2006|11:51:39|713119|||Group = ...
Hello,I have a 3550 switch with 48 port having 12.1 code.Need to know which port is causing the highest traffic , i mean to track which user is downloading/uploading the most.I was able to track this in CATOS with the command sh top and that will tel...
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Member Since ‎04-22-2004 01:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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