Jahangir Tahirov
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎10-21-2017

User Statistics

  • 66 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 150 Helpful votes Given
  • 65 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, does Cisco Business Edition 7000M comes with Vmware esxi pre-installed license?In cisco commerce portal its shows - NO VMware licenseVIRT-LIC-NONEin Ordering guide , there is note that embedded license will not come, then how can I add vmware ...
Cisco meeting managemenet lost connection with smart account, we have problem with licesning in CMM, and when we try to reregister it to the Smart account it gives "Unexpected error".    
Hello,We have  CUCM registered cisco DX80 video endpoints, we are using them to connect to the Webex meetings.We have set up our infrastructure for connecting our on-prem endpoint to be able to connect to Webex.2-3 mounts ago our public Cert is expir...
Hello, I have used Cisco 1921, and we forgot its login and password. I am trying to go into rommode for password recovery but am not able to. During router boot-up process I am using special command > Break to force rommode , router shows " Readonly...
Hello, we have two CUCM clusters. In Each cluster, we have both SIP and sccp phones.we have configured a basic one Route pattern ( \+! ) to route calls to the SIP Gateway. Only one route pattern exists in the CUCM cluster. When dialing from sccp phon...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-21-2017 02:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-13-2023 12:23 AM
Posts 66
Total Helpful Votes Received 65