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Member since ‎04-12-2018

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  • 106 Posts
  • 8 Solutions
  • 50 Helpful votes Given
  • 105 Helpful votes Received
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Hi,We are testing cert revocation check for our anycoonect SSL vpn employees when they connect via cert only authentication. We pointed the trust point to make crl checks and assigned the url for the location of the CRL file on the CA.cache refresh t...
Dear all, We have ASA firewall which we have admin access (ssh and asdm) via TACACS+ servers in ISE (, We configured the following on the ASA: Today we performed an upgrade on the ISE and we rebooted the, for around 6 mi...
Hello, I am running ASA9.9(2)32 and i am facing sometimes the same issue, how did the issue is indicated as solved?We authenticate SSL RAVPN users  against an external LDAP Database.Please advise
Dear all,We have a RA SSL anyconnect solution for our office with Tunnel all policy because we want the employees when doing home office that the internet traffic goes via company proxy servers.Everything is running smoothly except for users connecti...
Dear all, Can someone advise what is the difference between ASR-Group Vs Traffic Zones?We have 2 ASA in active/active state.We are using one Security-Context that has 2 outside sub-interfaces each with a transport VLAN.on each sub-interface we have o...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-12-2018 04:51 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2023 12:05 AM
Posts 106
Total Helpful Votes Received 105