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ASA 5510 IPSEC VPN + DuoSecurity + FreeRadius

Level 1
Level 1


      I am trying to setup 2FA for IPSEC/VPN clients confgirued con my CISCO ASA 5510; I chose DuoSecurity and Linux FreeRadius to complete the setup.  I am following the instructtions on this site: but havent ben able to make it work. I am not sure if even need the Radius Server considering i want the firewall ASA to do the primary authentication (User-Password). Has anyone done this setup before that could please help me with an overall explanation on how you configured this scenario. Any help is well appriciated, am still a network-admin-newbbie.




1 Reply 1

Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I've used DuoSecurity's product plus local authentication successfully for a remote access SSL VPN coming into an ASA.

Is there a reason why you're using the older IPsec client (or are you using AnyConnect with IPsec IKE v2)? I ask because the old client is deprecated and no longer supported. It has issues working with Windows 8 and later OSes. 

That aside, as with any problem, start by breaking it into small pieces. I'd recommend starting with local authentication only. Get that working. Once it is then add in the two factor bit. I followed the Duo instructions and found them to be pretty spot on in my case.