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SAML IdP Certificate Error for FTD Running 7.0.1 Managed by FDM


I can't seem to overcome the following error when configuring AnyConnect with SAML according to

Deployment Failed: User (blah) Triggered Deployment
ERROR: SAML IDP certificate failed
Config Error -- saml identity-provider

I found some documentation that stated DUO was the only supported SAML server, but that was for 6.7.0. I found other documentation that said it was supported on 7.0.1, which we're running. If I do a Google search for "ERROR: SAML IDP certificate failed" using quotes, there's only two responses. I can't figure out what's misconfigured, and I'm not sure if this is actually supported. Can anyone offer guidance on this? Thanks

7 Replies 7

Level 1
Level 1

Did this ever get resolved?


I think we have an answer, but it hasn't been implemented yet. Check out

Workaround: If the IDP allows it, you can create a custom certificate with basic constraints set by adding basicConstraints=CA:true in the certificate configuration. After that, upload the custom certificate to the IDP and FDM.

If you try this and it works, do you mind responding to this? Thanks

Thanks for the reply. I think we're going to just wait on a new version, since we are using Office 365 MFA which provides the IDP certificate.

We try to configure azure MFA login with anyconnect. So do you know how to create the idp certificate in azure with this constraint ? I see no possiblity there..... 

you can upload custom certs to enterprise apps in Azure. When you create a custom cert using OpenSSL, enable the flag and then upload it to Azure. 

Jack G
Level 1
Level 1

found this: Configure RAVPN with SAML Authentication Using Azure as IdP on FTD Managed by FDM 7.2 and Lower - Cisco

Question is how do I sign the CSR with a Windows CA? The signed certificate appears to remove the CA:true. Do I need to use specific template with specific options?


Requested Extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Signed cert:

X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical

Jack G
Level 1
Level 1

Got it to work, used a program X - Certificate and Key management to generate a self signed CA and then another certificate with CA:true. Not sure how to get it to word with a Windows CA server. I also didn't put in the FQDN for the Outside interface under the remote access configuration. This was helpful for pointing that out: Configure Anyconnect with SAML authentication on FTD managed via FDM - Cisco Community