861/881/891W integrated AP Module converting from LWAPP to Autonomous "config t command does not work on integrated AP which is in LWAPP mode"
When the Integrated AP is running the LWAPP image.. that is.. "(AP801-RCVK9W8-M)" that is..
"(AP801-RCVK9 "W8" -M)" indicates its LWAPP
W7 >> In the image indicates Autonomous Image
Config t command will not work on the LWAPP image.. so the AP should use the Autonomous image to run those commands... the below commands will help you out to overcome this issue..
Configuration Example
From the router config mode issue the command..
Router#config t
Router(config t)#service-module wlan-ap0 bootimage autonomous
Router(config t)#service-module wlan-ap 0 reload
This will bring back the AP to autonomous..
99% the above will work.. if not.. use the below manual process..
That is..
Download TFTP d32 on your laptop and install it..
- Download the latest IOS image: downloads for AP801 series. --- Click on the Support tab in top--- Then click Download software------ Choose Wireless --- Then select "Integrated routers and switches section" from product list-Then choose the router model - choose IOS image.. (12.4(21a)JY)
>> Now log into the AP module from the router and issue the command..
AP#debug capwap console cli OR debug lwapp console cli
AP#config t <now the config command will work>
AP(config-t)#int GIG 0 or int FA 0 <which ever is the physical interface i think its the GIG>
AP(config - int)#ip addresss <address > <mask> (make sure you have the connectivity to your laptop ip address, that is the interface ip should be able to ping the laptop ip address, that is.. both in the same subnet)
AP(config - int)#no shut
AP(config - int)#end
Now use the archive download command to upgrade the AP to Autonomous..
AP#archieve download-sw /force-reload /overwrite tftp://<TFTP ip address (laptops IP)>/<Autonomous image.tar>
EX -
AP# archive download-sw /overwrite /force-reload tftp://
This will do it.. But the first step will resolve the issue 99% if that doesnt work, then proceed with manual.
Reference Link
If you are not be able to access the AP GUI if the AP module is running the code 12.4(21a)JA1... then i request you to follow the document posted by me to overcome that as well. that is..