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Saravanan Lakshmanan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee




    How to Find & Retrieve WLC's crash coredump from its's flash to external FTP/TFTP server.

    Show Coredump Summary - Output

    (WiSM-slot8-1) >show coredump summary
    Core Dump is enabled
    FTP Server IP....................................
    FTP Filename.....................................  Poca-WiSM-1_cd
    FTP Username.....................................  mcdaviddj
    FTP Password..................................... *********
    Core Dump file on flash:
    SW Version.......................................
    Time  Stamp....................................... Mon Apr 15 15:00:51 2013
    File  Size........................................ 62563632
    File Name  Suffix................................._7.3.101.0_Poca-WiSM-1_1366052451.gz  =======> Core Dump of crash stored in Flash

    Transferring CoreDump file 

    If there is a coredump file available then transfer to external FTP/TFTP  server. To transfer the file from the controller to a server, enter these  commands: 

    (Cisco Controller) >transfer upload datatype coredump
    (Cisco  Controller) >transfer upload filename <desired filename>
    (Cisco  Controller) >transfer upload mode <tftp/ftp>
    (Cisco Controller)  >transfer upload serverip <ip>
    (Cisco Controller) >transfer  upload start

    (You may need to specify file path as well, and username/password for  FTP)

    If you are using an FTP server, also enter these commands:

    (Cisco  Controller) >transfer upload username username
    (Cisco Controller)  >transfer upload password password
    (Cisco Controller) >transfer upload  port port

    The default value for the port parameter is 21.

    To view the updated settings, enter this command:

    (Cisco Controller)  >transfer upload start

    When prompted to confirm the current settings and start the software upload,  answer y.

    After the file is uploaded, it ends with a .gz suffix. If  desired, you can upload the same core dump file multiple times with different  names to different servers.

    Currently, it is cli only and no gui option.

    Kamaljeet Singh
    Level 1
    Level 1

    Thank you for the useful post.


    Level 1
    Level 1


    Please! How to open a CORE DUMP file (CISCO WLC) for check?

    Level 3
    Level 3

    I think only Cisco TAC team can open the Core_dump file

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