le 14-03-2024 03:10 AM
Hello I have some trouble with figuring out a solution to make it work for my networkI have a cat 6500 I have interface vlan 60 with network/24 and I need to bind the same network with an other routed physical interface . In short I need to route the same network on the 6500 Switch via two different sources ( interface vlan )and (routed interface , because this one is bundled with an other switch of datacentre via etherchanel and work through encapsulation dot1q and IP address) But I could not give 2 adresses for the previews interfaces from the same network there will be an overlap .Please help me Thank you
le 14-03-2024 04:04 AM
Router or SW not accepting two interfaces with same subnet.
le 14-03-2024 04:26 AM
Even with using bridge group?
le 14-03-2024 04:29 AM
the Bridge group will bridge two L2 interface and the only IP you need is for BVI which represent subnet for both interface.
le 14-03-2024 08:57 AM
Have you considered using secondary IP addresses on the Fsginspections interfaces to avoid overlap? Alternatively, subnetting might provide a solution to route the same network via different interfaces.
le 08-11-2024 05:30 AM
You cannot assign the same IP subnet to both a VLAN interface and a routed physical interface directly, as this would cause an IP conflict. You could either use different subnets for each interface, or consider advanced solutions like Policy-Based Routing (PBR) or Proxy ARP to manage traffic across the same subnet. Alternatively, you could explore redundancy protocols like HSRP for failover scenario. i also face same issue while working for gouttiere drummondville and i fixed it by using different subnets. if you have already fixed it, share your experience how you tackle it.
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