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Resolved! Spam Quarantine - Notifications

Hi,At this time we only mark potential spam messages.Now we want to use the Spam Quarantine.Is it possible to notify the recipient without connecting to a ldap service?

Resolved! Mac flap

If 2 MAC learners are running on a single port then the issue of flapping arises.

Beginner DHCP-ASA-Internal Network issues

Hi everyone i'm starting to learn CPT and i got this exercise where i have to create a firewall in btw my internal network; outside network and DMZ zone, which has a DHCP server. And i'm having issue configuring my ASA to allow the pc on the internal...

LPFJoao by Community Member
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Cisco 4K PVDM4 stuck in booting

hi,we have a 4K SIP router and got some issue with outbound calls.saw these logs and PVDM4 stucked in 'booting'the PVDM4 still shows in the 'show inventory'my questions are:1.can this be resolved by a reboot?2.or do i need to reseat the PVDM4 module?...

S2S OSPF Hub and Spoke Topology

I am working on a hub and spoke topology. I have my Areas configured and interfaces as well on the hub and spokes but I believe I must be missing some or doing something wrong. As right right now the spokes see only the hub as a neighbor however the ...

rtarson by Level 1
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Wlc9800 and sophos

 Hello,I have a problem with my setup.I migrated to WL9800 and have a Sophos firewall.The AP is running in local mode, not flex mode.Everything seems okay, except for one strange behavior:All PCs and laptops automatically redirect to the Sophos capti...

Recommended IOS for MDS C9148T

Hello We have MDS C9148T with version 8.3 and need to upgrade it, while checking Cisco website see two recommended version:(8.4 2f) and (9.4 2a). so which one should I go to.Appreciate your help Thanks

need to know whether wlc allows broadcast of traffic or it denies

Hello, I have a doubt when Ap powers up and send a dhcp discover packet and once wlc receives the dicover packet would it broadcast it or deny the broadcast of discover packet like router.Else I have to enter relay command to let it know where the dh...

rsha by Level 1
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NCS560: 湿度(Humidity) アラームが発生する場合がある

2025年1月24日 (初版) TAC SR Collection主な問題 NCS560 において、RSP に搭載されている湿度(Humidity)センサが異常でないにも関わらず alarm が発生する場合があります。※ Humidity センサは show environment temperatures コマンドで表示されるセンサですが、単位は ℃ でなく % であることに注意してください。 以下は RP0 で alarm が発生したときの出力例です。 0/RP0/ADMIN0:Dec 19...