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CCNA SRWE can't write answers

Hello,I'm a student training the CCNA SRWE but when I want to write my answers in the PTTA file on Packet Tracer I can't write them.For example the questions in Step 1 and 2 I can't answers resulting in the completion not moving.Any idea ?Thanks in a...

Capture d’écran 2025-02-09 131714.png

10G Module on Switch 3750 stacked

Hello, I have two stacked 3750 switches, each with a 10G module. The stack keeps generating the following log:"%PLATFORM_SM10G-6-LINK_UP: The FRULink 10G Service Module (C3KX-SM-10G) communication has been established."I’m not sure which switch the i...

c9800-40 upgrade from 16.12.06a to 17.03.05b failed

Hello,when installing, the following error message appears:wlc01#install add file tftp://spy/C9800-40-universalk9_wlc.17.03.05b.SPA.bin activate commit install_add_activate_commit: START Sun Dec 11 12:48:06 cest 2022Downloading file tftp://spy/C9800-...

Abschlussprüfung test senden

Ich habe den Kurs Grundlagen Netzwerk abgeschlossen und wenn ich auf den Button klicke, um die Ergebnisse des Abschlusstests zu senden, passiert nichts. Warum?"

DM77 by Community Member
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Help getting an "old" 1801 back on track

Ciao,I've been trying to give a new life to an 1801 router for a few days now. I replaced the RAM and the Compact Flash card, after having tested it on another device. The router boots, but only in ROMMON mode.I'm currently getting this message: %SMC...

ISE - View live logs from CLI

Hello,I was wondering if there's a way to view radius live logs from CLI, with the possibility to filter by Endpoint ID, IP address and Identity etc. just like we do from GUI ? ISE version: patch 5Thanks

amelben by Level 1
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Ping from different interfaces of a router.

Hello guys! I'm still doing my first steps with steps in the cisco's world (and the networking world in general).Using packet tracer, I have a router with 2 subnets ("spare"). I'm also experimenting with the ARP cache of another router "R2". Both rou...

Maxpeigne by Community Member
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