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Login Failed

Password and username are correct but don't know why there is still login failed.Please help  

usmanaanwer by Community Member
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9130 ap no client connectivity

Hello,wlc version:17.12.4, apmode:9130/Ap mode :flex.the issue is ap will be assocaited to the wlc there wont be any flap , and the ap led status is stable blue and none of the clients around the Ap not able to connect.Post a reload the Ap will accep...

Anjana A by Level 1
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AAA command authorization on Priv 7

Hi,I've setup clearpass as AAA with our cisco devices. I have a group of users that authenticate with priv level 7. I need to add a privlege level 15 command to these users (reload and clear ip *) , how do I accomplish this? Thank you

How to find 2.4 GHz-only clients

I have a Catalyst 9800 wireless network that is monitored by Catalyst Center. Broadcasting an SSID in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, and I'm trying to determine if it is safe to disable 2.4 GHz. I want to analyze the client sessions and determine if there are an...

FTD to ASA reimage

Hi, we purchased NGFW 3K series with FTD and now want to reimage it with ASA.Does it violate the warranty of device?

Time of Day call routing

Re: CUCM 12.5Seeking some direction and guidance with achieving the objectives below:1. Route all external (inbound) calls to DN voicemail during business hours.2. Route all external (inbound) calls to DN phones outside of business hours.3. Route and...

2025년 1월 ATXs 일정 및 다시보기

Ask The Expert(ATXs) 세션에서는 도입하신 시스코 솔루션의 구축과 운영에 필수적인 기술 지식을 라이브 Q&A와 데모를 통해 생생하게 제공해 드립니다. 아래 일정에서 필요한 세션에 등록하시고 지난 세션은 다시보기를 통해 확인해 보세요. ATXs에 대한 궁금한 점은 atx_korean@.cisco.com로 문의해 주세요. Campus Network & WANAI Network Analytics 기능 소개 | 1월 15일(수)  ▶ 등...


vEdge PCI Compliance testing

C8000v Version 17.15.1a on VMWare Does anyone have an Edge device transport hardening guide to meet PCI4.0 compliance? The 3rd party performing our PCI 4.0 certification said their scans against the public IP fail us on one item: "Your firewall polic...


Firepower自体でのsyslog保存期間についてどなたかご存じの方がいたら、ご教示いただけますすでしょうか。Firepower 3100シリーズを使用しています。FirepowerはアプライアンスでASAとして動作せています。OSは、9.20(3)を使っています。syslog情報は、基本的に外部logサーバに転送する設定となっていますが、何らかの問題で外部logサーバが使えなくなったことを考えて、自装置にてsyslog保存期間があるのか知りたいと思います。条件として、装置や外部環境が安定し...

t-iketani by Level 1
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