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Member since ‎06-12-2010

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Hi,I'm currently seeing the counters for the 'Total Connections Failed' statistic increasing by a large amount. What I can't see is why. The serverfarms we have don't see to show any drops.Using ANM 5.1 we also see this under 'Monitor' 'Load Balancin...
Hi,I have a problem at present when trying to migrate an existing A1(6.3a) version configuration to a new A2(3.5) version.As a bit of background we have an ACE performing a Large Scale NAT solution, users from 10/8 go out to the Internet on a public ...
Hi Guys,Is anyone able to confirm the PAT limit on the ACE-20s please. I initially read it as 1 million (the NAT limit), however I have since read that for PAT, its 4 million as it uses the connection record information and not xlate. I've always won...
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Member Since ‎06-12-2010 02:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 7