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Member since ‎06-18-2009

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Hi everyone,I'm trying to design a CSS configuration that allows servers in the same vlan to be the source and destination of load-balanced traffic. My thought is to add two new vlans, one for the VIPs and one for the servers, then NAT the source IPs...
I have setup simple load balancing for our SharePoint service using a two content rules. The port 80 is intended to just redirect to port 443. The rule goes to services pointing to an ASP that should redirect the http to https. The port 443 rule goes...
Given two rules on a CSS 11503:  content layer4rule     vip address     port 80     protocol tcp     balance leastconn     add service server1-plain-text    add service server2-plain-text     active  content layer5rule     vip address 12...
Does anyone know what the "Layer 4 hash value" is mentioned in the documentation under ssl-l4-fallback?Our standard SSL content rules look like:  content layer5rule     vip address     port 443     protocol tcp     application ssl     ad...
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Member Since ‎06-18-2009 09:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 7