一台C2951CCME(15.7)上注册了一百多台CP7821 sip话机,现地想统计在线的SIP话机数量,用 show voice register all , show voice regi pool all, show voice regit statist, show voice regiter global等命令都无法查看到正确的在线SIP话机数量,请教一下哪位大神知道有什么命令可以查看在线的SIP话机数量和状态的命令或者方法,非常感谢。
用户想更换他们的CP9951的铃声,文档上的CP9951的铃声需要如下格式:The PCM files for the rings must meet the following requirements for proper playback on Cisco IP Phones:Raw PCM (no header)8000 samples per second8 bits per sampleMu-law compressionMaximum ring size = 16080 sampl...