Atenção: Esse procedimento causará interrupção de tráfego no switch. Todas as conexões ao equipamento serão perdidas por aproximadamente três minutos.
Notas1: You cannot recover the administrator password from a Telnet or SSH session to the management interface. You must have access to the local console connection. Also, for Cisco NX-OS devices, such as the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series switches, that support Connectivity Management Processors (CMPs) on the supervisor modules, you cannot use the CMP management interface to recover the administrator password.
Nota2: Password recovery updates the new administrator password only in the local user database and not on the remote AAA servers. The new password works only if local authentication is enabled; it does not work for remote authentication. When a password is recovered, local authentication is enabled for logins through a console so that the admin user can log in with a new password from a console.
Passos para recuperação de senha:
1- Conecte-se à porta console da Supervisor ativa usando seu cliente de terminal preferido (Putty, Hyperterminal, SecureCRT etc);
2- Reinicie o switch para ter acesso ao prompt do loader. Quando aparecer "Booting kickstart image: bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.x.x.x.bin...", pressione Ctrl-C. Exemplo:
nexus# reload
This command will reboot the system. (y/n)? [n] y
2011 Feb 1 13:09:56 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-PFM_SYSTEM_RESET: Manual system
restart from Command Line Interface
writing reset reason 9,
GNU GRUB version 0.97
Autobooting bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.x.x.x.bin bootflash:/n...
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
Booting kickstart image: bootflash:/n7000-s1-kickstart.x.x.x.bin.... >>>>>>>> Pressione Ctrl-C nesse momento
....Aborting Image Boot
GNU GRUB version 0.97
Loader Version 3.22.0
3- Inicie manualmente o equipamento usando apenas a imagem kickstart, de modo a ter acesso ao prompt de boot do switch:
loader> boot n7000-s1-kickstart.x.x.x.x.bin
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
Booting kickstart image: n7000-s1-kickstart.5.1.2.gbin..........................................................................................Image verification OK
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at and
4- Defina uma nova senha para o network administrator.
nexus(boot)# configure terminal
nexus(boot-config)# admin-password <nova_senha>
WARNING! Remote Authentication for login through console has been disabled
nexus(boot-config)# exit
5- Verifique o conteúdo da "bootflash:" para confirmar o nome exato da imagem do NX-OS armazenada:
nexus(boot)# dir bootflash:
6- Inicie a imagem do NX-OS. No exemplo abaixo, o nome da imagem do sistema é "n7000-nx-os.bin":
nexus(boot) # load bootflash:n7000-nx-os.bin
7- Acesse o switch usando a nova senha de administrador:
switch login: admin
Password: <nova_senha>
The running configuration indicates that local authentication is enabled for logins through a console. You should not change the running configuration in order for the new password to work for the future logins. You can enable remote authentication after you reset and remember the administrator password that is configured on the AAA servers.
nexus# show running-config aaa
!Command: show running-config aaa
!Time: Fri Feb 5 02:39:23 2010
version 5.0(2)
logging level aaa 5
aaa authentication login ascii-authentication
8- Reset the new password to ensure that is it is also the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) password.
nexus# conf t
nexus(config)# username admin password <nova_senha>
nexus(config)# exit
9- Insert the previously removed standby supervisor module into the chassis, if necessary.
10- Boot the Cisco NX-OS kickstart image on the standby supervisor module, if necessary. In the following example, the kickstart image filename is "nx-os_kickstart.bin":
loader# boot bootflash:nx-os_kickstart.bin
11- Carregue a imagem do NX-OS na Supervisor standby, caso seja necessário. No exemplo abaixo, o nome da imagem de sistena é "n7000-nx-os.bin":
nexus(boot)# load bootflash:nx-os.bin
12- Salve a configuração:
nexus# copy running-config startup-config