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Keny Perez
Level 8
Level 8



Por favor estén al tanto del siguiente bug que hace referencia al posible impedimento de entrar a UCSM cuando se está usando Java 7 u55.


El problem se puede ver asi:

Aquí está la descripción del bug:

Administrators for Cisco UCS Manager or users of the Cisco UCS KVM application may encounter an error while opening KVM or Cisco UCSM. A pop-up window with the following dialog may be encountered :

'Application Blocked by Security Settings'

'Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid
certificate from running'

Cisco UCS Manager or KVM users/admins who are using latest JRE update (1.7 update 55) are likely to see this issue.

Users that have not updated their Java version to 1.7 update 55 should consider delaying the update until a fix in the Cisco UCS Manager becomes available.
If the upgrade was already done, then lowering the Java security settings is another option.



Puede atrasar el update a Java 7 u55 mientras se arregla esta situación, o puede bajar la seguridad desde Java Control Panel a " Medium "   (analice las consecuencias de disminuir la seguridad de Java antes de implementar esta configuración)



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